January 13, 2022 -- Council Meeting

January 13, 2022 -- Council Meeting

January 13, 2022

TLNA Monthly Meeting - January 2022


7pm, January 13th, via zoom


January Agenda 


  1. 7:00    Welcome & introductions 
    1. Agenda & approval of minutes


  1. 7:10    Fire and Ice luminary paths event - Jeannette Deloya <jdeloya4@gmail.com>
    1. Sharing event plans and information


  1. 7:20    Downtown Neighborhoods Coalition - Eli Judge (elijudge1@gmail.com)
    1. Update on their Affordable housing efforts and request for TLNA to sign petition 


  1. 7:40    Neighborhood Welcome Sign Garden - Bob Shaw 
    1. request for support 


  1. 7:50    734 E Wash Raze permit - Pat McCabe, Palisade properties (patm@palisadeproperty.com)
    1. Informational only; no action requested


  1. 8:10    615 E Mifflin/609 E Dayton redevelopment - Michael Metzger, McGrath prop
    1. Share preliminary plans and get initial feedback; conditional use from plan commission will be required; no immediate action requested


  1. 8:30    Council chair reports
    1. Budget planning - Requests for budget committee volunteers and annual chair spending requests 


  1. 8:40    Elected officials reports
    1. City Alder and County Supervisor (if available)


  1. 8:50    President’s remarks
    1. Neighborhood grants due Feb 7 
    2. Storm drain mural applications due Feb 15


Invited Guests

Eli Judge - Capitol Neighborhoods (elijudge1@gmail.com)

Pat McCabe, Palisade properties (patm@palisadeproperty.com)

Michael Metzger, McGrath properties (michael.metzger@mcgrathpropertygroup.com)

Jeannette Deloya <jdeloya4@gmail.com>


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