Welcome To Tenney Lapham Neighborhood

Welcome to the Neighborhood! 

The Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood offers the charm and vitality that only a traditional city neighborhood can provide. You can work, shop, dine, and play all within a short walk from any home in this historic, centrally located community. It is a neighborhood that strives to maintain a diverse population, a variety of housing opportunities, and a high quality of living for all of its residents. 

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Check out our events

Council Meeting Information | All are welcome to attend

Explore our Historic Homes

Neighborhood Homes for Sale

TLNA Events 2025
Sat 4/19Repair Café @ Cargo Coffee, 1-3:30pm
 Bring your appliances, furniture, clothing and household goods in need of fixing, and our volunteer experts will help!
Sun 5/4Linster Memorial Bike Ride & Party @ The Forward Club, time TBA
 Come bike a lap around Reynolds Park with us, followed by food & drink.
Sun 5/18Tenney Lap the Lagoon @ Wall Pavilion in Tenney Park, 11am
 Bring your most whimsical watercraft and paddle Tenney Lagoon.
Sun 8/3Kids Clothing & Toy Swap @ Tenney Beach Shelter, 10am-1pm
 Bring good condition clothing and toys and swap for something new to you!
 If possible – drop off clothes Fri 8/1-Sat 8/2 on the porch at 1032 Sherman.
 Newborn through big kid sizes welcome
 In case of rain, swap will be moved to Sat 8/9 at 1032 Sherman Ave, during the Yard Sale
Sat 8/9Yard Sale, 8am-3pm
 Sign up here: https://forms.gle/FQBVEoimoBb3EN2x8
 Questions? Email Anne Katz at [email protected]
Sun 9/28Fall Festival @ Wall Pavilion in Tenney Park, 5-7:30pm
 Food carts, drinks, lawn games, pumpkin painting & more!
 Cookie Bake Off, Baby & Kids Costume Contest – don’t miss it!
Fri 11/14Holiday Market on Johnson
 Enjoy hot drinks, treats, and music at shops along Johnson Street while you do some holiday shopping and support our local businesses!
Popsicles on the Porch
A casual neighborhood hangout open to all
Every Thursday, May – Sept, 5:30-7:30pm
Location to change weekly, TBA
Tenney Tots 
A monthly playground meetup for toddlers & their grownups
Sun 5/18Tenney Tots @ the big Tenney playground by the lagoon, 10am-12pm
 (Different location so we can watch/join in Lap the Lagoon at 11am)
Sat 6/28Tenney Tots @ Tenney Beach playground, 10am-12pm
Sun 7/20Tenney Tots @ Tenney Beach Playground, 10am-12pm
Sun 8/3Tenney Tots ‘N’ Kids Clothing Swap @ Tenney Beach Playground, 10am-1pm
 Bring good condition clothing and toys and swap for something new to you!
 If possible – drop off clothes Fri 8/1-Sat 8/2 on the porch at 1032 Sherman.
 Newborn through big kid sizes welcome
 In case of rain, swap will be moved to Sat 8/9 at 1032 Sherman Ave, during the Yard Sale
Sun 9/14Tenney Tots @ Tenney Beach Playground, 10am-12pm