January 9, 2025
Thursday, 9 January @ 7pm
Forward Club @ Breese Stevens, 917 E Mifflin, Gate 5
1. Welcome, roll call, and introductions
2. Minutes: Michael D or Ryan
3. MPD, if present
4. Don Sanford: presentation of proposed interpretive project panel at the Tenney Park dam
5. Concerned neighbors: problem rental properties on E Johnson
6. Treasurer: Davie F
7. Membership: Patty P
8. Events: Lauren E
9. Newsletter: Joey H
10. Development: Bob K
11. Traffic Calming: Peter B
12. Web/Newsletter Layout: Keith W - will be absent
13. Parks: Chris H
14. Special Projects: Monica K
15. Area Reps: Joe L, Mary LS, Hilary S-K, Sue B
—Sue B: 2025 meeting venues update
16. Invited guests, if present: Marsha R, Heidi W
17. Pres/VP: Ryan/Pat K
a. Retreat?
b. Spring meeting?
c. Recruiting?
d. TLNA hosted alder candidate debate, if necessary