Events in June 2024

  • Party in the Park

    Party in the Park

    June 2, 2024

    Party in the Park, Sunday June 2 4-7pm, Reynolds Park

  • TLNA Council Meeting

    TLNA Council Meeting

    June 13, 2024

    Christ Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall



    1. Welcome and introductions

    1. Minutes: Michael D

    1. Star Bar / Dark Horse space, new plans

         -Matt Phelps, David Sramek

    1.  Big Top / Breese Renovation grant

         -Tristan S, Vern S, and/or Conor C

    1. Membership: Patty P

    1. Events: Lia V

    1. Newsletter: Joey H

    1. Parks: Pat K

    1. Development: Bob K
    1. Traffic Calming: Peter B

         -E Mifflin Bike Boulevard, potential MNA collab

    1. Special Projects: Lauren E

    1. Housing/Web: Keith W

    1. Area Reps: Joe L, Will S, Molly S, Angela V, Mary LS, Hilary S-K

    1. Invited guests, if present: Marsha R, Heidi W, MPD

    1. Pres/VP:Ryan/Will