Announcing the 2024 Tenney Lapham neighborhood yard sale!

Saturday, August 3, 8 am – 3 pm
Summer may feel like a (very) long way off right now, but August will be here before you know it. Join your neighbors at the annual Tenney-Lapham neighborhood yard sale, happening Saturday, August 3, 8 am – 3 pm, with great stuff to buy all over the neighborhood.
Thanks to neighbor Bob Shaw for overseeing the Google map of participating locations and promoting the sale on CraigsList and other online outlets. If you have any questions please contact Anne Katz, Yard Sale Coordinator, at
TLNA Yard Sale – 8/3/24
317 N Baldwin – Household items, boys baby and toddler clothing and shoes, women’s size small-medium clothing and men’s clothing, bar cart, TV stand, art work
430 N Baldwin – Stereo equipment (audiophile galore), PFDs, toys
438 N Baldwin – kids toys, household items
450 N. Baldwin – Vintage, sporting goods, kid’s beds, toys and clothes, furniture
123 N Blount – multi-family sale
309 N Brearly – Housewares, clothes, records
1132 Curtis Court – boats, silverware, copperware, plants, books, linen, antiques
844 E Dayton – 4 families; wood toboggan, 2 old-fashioned wood sleds, violin, snare drums, records, auto-harp, sheet music; lots of clothes; antique chair, lamps, dishes, seasonal decorations, bed comforters (full/queen), books, toys, shoes and boots, jugs, CDs, new beats headphones
909 E Dayton – Women’s clothing sizes 12-16
915 E Dayton – Art work, clothing, household items, art supplies
945 E Dayton – LPs, kids toys and books, household stuff
1028 E Dayton – games and puzzles, kids toys
1137 E Dayton
1315 E Dayton – furniture, clothes, wood, sporting goods, garden accessories. In the front room I’ll have a marble top kitchen island, metal lawyer/barristers cabinet, and an l-shaped couch
1408 E Dayton – Everything is free!
1107 Elizabeth – Two small TVs, well loved furniture, general household odds and ends. Pricing free to very cheap!
1145 Elizabeth – American Girl dolls, toys, hand-made pottery
1205 Elizabeth – Household items, ceramics, furniture, jewelry
315 N Few – Clothing and various home items
404 N Few – clothes & other goodies
437 N Few
451 N Few – multi-family sale – clothing, household items, books, Christmas items
802 E Gorham – Office furniture, some electronics, garden tools
817 E Gorham – Household items.
949 E Gorham – chairs, lamp, pictures, some jewelry
1010 E Gorham
834 E Johnson – Sansone water dispenser. RC truck package (2 vehicles and 5 batteries). Painted vintage boomboxes. Possibly snow cones… Just come check. If I time it correctly, some small basil plants for your caprese party! Also Cuban Oregano plants.
1028 E Johnson – Clothes, furniture, knick knacks
1441 E Johnson – electronics, furniture, kitchen stuff, books, DVDs, men’s clothing
436 Leitch Ct – Bargain priced women’s and children’s clothes, shoes, and various household items.
Marston Avenue & Sherman Avenue – Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association garden equipment including: handsaws, wheelbarrows, shovels, pruners, loppers, Radio Flyer wagon, weed wicker, pitchforks, garden rakes, hose and a small motor.
462 Marston – Sports Equipment including Saris Bike rack (hitch) and Thule bike rack (hitchless), indoor bike trainer, Car top Foam racks for kayak/paddleboard & TRX Suspension trainer, digital SLR & Pocket cameras and equipment, suitcases, many household appliances, collectibles and miscellaneous objects.
1146 E Mifflin – Lots of home goods, decorative items, furniture, kids toys, bits and bobs!
1321 E Mifflin – Gently used children’s toys, clothing, books and household items donated by current families of TPC. All items are pay-what-you-can and the proceeds will benefit the school. The sale will take place in our driveway/behind our building on 1321 East Mifflin. We accept cash and online payments via paypal/credit card. We will have coffee, donuts and possibly a student-run lemonade stand! “
1021 Sherman Ave – Clothing, household items.
1031 Sherman Ave – Vinyl and cds – dollar bin and prices as marked; a few assorted household items. Vinyl sale extends to Sunday 10am-2pm.
1139 Sherman Ave – Lots of women’s clothing, mostly M-XL, household items
1252 Sherman Ave – Teen clothes, shoes small household mainly kitchen things, costume teen jewelry, chair, mirror
1301 Sherman Ave
408 Sidney – accessories, children’s items, housewares, decor, vinyl records, furniture,
441 Sidney – Mindstorms EV3 Lego robot; nice pottery; cross country skis
443 Sidney – camping gear, homebrew gear, cycling gear/parts, clothes, shoes, audio, vinyl, books
467 Sidney – Home goods, women’s clothes, outdoor recreation equipment
472 Sidney – Truly amazing fresh-squeezed lemonade