About the Neighborhood
- TLNA Areas
- 2008 Neighborhood Plan (PDF file - 12.5 mb)
- Other Neighborhood Plan Documents
- Historic Homes in the Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood
- Tenney Park Vintage Postcard Installation
- The Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood: A Walking Tour (1997)
- The Old Market Place Neighborhood: A Walking Tour (1991) (Neighborhood boundaries changed since publication and most of the places listed are now located in the Tenney-Lapham neighborhood)
- Tenney-Lapham Walk Score
- Friends of Reynolds Park
- Between Two Lakes and a Hard Place
- Tenney Trees
- Lapham-Marquete Parent Teacher Group
- East Mifflin Bicycle Boulevard
- Salvation Army/Neighborhood Issues
- Breese Stevens/Neighborhood Issues
- Affordable Housing in Tenney-Lapham