TLNA Graphic Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association
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Submitting Requests for the TLNA to Approve
When making requests of the TLNA, please use these guidelines:
  1. Make your request in writing, and clearly identify the following information:
    1. What do you want us to approve?
    2. Who are you? If you represent an organization, please identify it.
    3. How should we contact you? Please provide full mailing address, phone number, fax number and e-mail address.
    4. When do you need a response?
    5. Note that we meet the second Thursday of each month and cannot convene prior to that time.
    6. Who have you already contacted?
    7. Please provide full names, with addresses and phone numbers, since we may want to ask them further questions.
    8. If you have photographs, diagrams or other illustrations that will help the TLNA to understand your request, please include them.
  2. If any other organization has given their approval, we need to have their commitment in writing. If any alder or city official stated that they have no problems with your request, please ask them to state that in a signed letter.
  3. Do not construe our agreeing to discuss an issue as approval by the TLNA. Once we have discussed the matter and have consensus, we will get back to you in writing with our position.
  4. Please be patient with us. The TLNA Board is comprised of volunteers from the neighborhood who give generously of their own spare time. We do not have a staff of individuals who are paid to process forms, compile data and write letters.
  • Mailing Address:
  • Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association
  • P.O. Box 703
  • Madison, WI 53701
Contact: Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association, P.O. Box 703, Madison, WI 53701
Page last modified April, 2013
Page design and maintenance by Bob Shaw ( at