Tenney-LaphamNeighborhood Association Council
December 18, 2002
Council Members present:
Susan Bauman-Duren, SandyWard, Sal Calomino, Chris Jungbluth, Bob Shaw, Gay Davidson-Zielske, MargaretBergamini, David Finet, Carol Weidel, James Zychowicz, Richard Linster, JoeBrogan, Suzanne Keyes Reybeck, Tim Olsen
Others present: Erik Minton,Olesya Minton, Pat McDonnell, Dan Roberts, Brad Murphy, Brenda Konkel
Notified absences: Diane Brusoe, Rex Loehe, Tina Browder
1. Meeting called to order by co-presidents Zychowsicz and Calomino at7:03. Volunteer solicited to takeminutes in secretary’s absence
2. Minutes of November 21, 2002. Motion by Linster, Bergamini to approve. approved
3. Old Business
a) Pontoon Shed
Nophotos available yet, but there is a gift certificate in hand. Approval was referred to the nextmeeting in expectation that photos will be available.
b) 18. N. Baldwin Development
GaryPresentin described the process that brought him to this meeting. He reported that he chose Jim Glueck asarchitect because he would be sensitive to the concerns of theneighborhood. He approached BradMurphy of the planning dept with his original proposal to build 10 units,all-brick. He was told that 10units would require a PUD. Thecurrent proposal requires no variance for green space or parking. His proposes 4 1-bedroom condominiums,“Any building we do has to make economic sense”. This intersection (Baldwin and E.Washington) is busy. “We aremarketing to young people who live downtown”. He would provide 1 ¼ parking space per unit; eachunit will be 1,000 square feet. These will be sold as condos in 2-3 years. There may not be a market until E. Washington Avenue isfixed. If he built 2 larger units,he wouldn’t need a conditional use permit. His main reason in wanting to build 4 units iseconomic. Mr. Presentin said heunderstood the neighborhood’s concerns to be parking, runoff, safety andtraffic.
Theprocess of getting neighborhood support was described. He dropped the plans at Susan’shouse in mid-February. However this was after the neighborhood councilmeeting. The plan Commission metbefore May. In April the planswere presented to the TLNA council, where concerns were expressed.
Garythinks this proposal will have the least impact. Susan said that the concerns still stand. Gary thinks the development will add tothe neighborhood. David thinksthis development will diminish the value of his house at 20 N. Baldwin,“We don’t have to accept this to make a buck for you”. Tim spoke abut the TLNA history of notbeing receptive of exceeding existing zoning limits. On January 7, the council will make a decision. Testimony will be limited to 3 minutesper person. Brad Murphy (CityPlanning Dept) reported that the Plan Commission uses standards I reviewing theconditional use permits and they visit this development twice. There are seven standards listed in theordinance. Brenda’s appealcited 4 standards: 1, 3, 5 and 6.
Thecouncil agreed to discuss this at the end of tonight’s agenda.
4. Alder report
Brendareported on 2 items.
· Smart Studios will be doing something with theexterior of their building.
· The Breese Stevens recommendation won’t comeuntil April. There is a desire tohave green space, a place for music and neighborhood events. The a public hearing in November waswell-attended, with lots of positive remarks. The next step is funding.
5. Old Business (continued)
(c) Sherman Bridge
Margaret reported that landscaping plans were submitted forapproval. The DNR is requiring mitigationalong Sherman Avenue.
(d) Park Monument
Twoyears ago a request was made for a building marker and maps at Sherman andMarston. The cost is $4,500, Margaret is looking for a less costlyalternative to copper. The mapsare a big problem. The totalbudget could be $5 to $10 thousand.
6. CommitteeReports
Parks (Margaret)
The Friends of Yahara River Parkway are opposed to the E. Washingtondevelopment and will meet to discuss strategy.
Safety (Sandy)
Street lights concerns will be addressed by the city. The desired number of lights is aproblem. The new sign on N.Patterson Street will happen. Other ideas and concerns should be addressed to Sandy.
Social (Gay)
A January meeting and potluck was discussed. Motion by Sandy to have a potluck at 6:00 p.m. andmeeting at 7:30 on January 23. Approved.
Newsletter (Bob)
The final deadline will be this Friday at midnight. The newsletter should be back from theprinter January 3 or 4.
Education (Joe)
The TLNA donation to East High will be used for new students transitioning to East High, according to MsTilman (the new principal). TheMarquette principal sent a letter of thanks for the recent contribution. There was a motion by Joe, Susanto donate $750 to East High. Approved
Membership (Linster)
Dues totaling $209 have been collected since the last meeting.
7. New Business
Bert Zipperer wants to attend a TLNA Meeting. We will invite him to the January meeting and potluck.
The Heifer Fund is a non-profit that gives to development in 3rd-worldcountries. In appreciation of thesupport from Christ Presbyterian Church, Bob moved that we give $100 in thename of the church. Approved.
A TLNA tentative calendar was distributed.
The East Isthmus Planning Council has no representative from TLNA. There was a motion to designate Davidas the TLNA representative . Approved.
8. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Submittedby Carol Weidel
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