TLNAMinutes, Thursday 21 November 2002
Present: Board/TLNA: J.Zychowicz, S. Calomino, S. Ward, P. McDonnell, C. Jungbluth, D. Brusoe, R.Shaw, D. Pearson, K. Rideout, C. Rideout, S. Duren, E. Jepsen, D. Finet, J.Brogan, S. Rybeck, T. Browder, R. Linster, B. Konkel, M. Bergamini, T. Olsen,G. Zielske; Guests: C. Thom, B. Kress
Absent: R. Loehe; A. Meyer
- Call to order at 6:00 p.m. in the library at Lapham school; quorum present.
- Minutes from 9/19 and 10/17 approved as submitted
- Old Business:
- JLZ/SC shared letter re: 18 N. Baldwin
- SC distributed a report on the Neighborhood Roundtable (11/2)
- JLZ/SC reported on the pending Comprehensive Plan
- New Business
- Brendan Kress discussed the Lapham School window restoration – informational
- Chad Thom of MSCR discussed the replacement shed for the pontoon boats. S. Duren moved to approve the replacement shed pending our review of the photos which are to be provided prior to the December meeting; S. Calomino seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously
- Alder Report
- Brenda mentioned the appeal of 18 N. Baldwin at the Council agenda to take place on 12/3
- Brenda also encouraged input on the Breese Stevens discussion (7:30 p.m. 11/21)
- Committee Chair Reports
- S. Ward attended the Central District Police Forum;
- D. Brusoe received praise for the welcome packages; and S. Duren recommended that the UW update its records before we do this again;
- JLZ/SC mentioned that they need D. Finet’s assistance though the Housing Committee on the rezoning proposal;
- J. Brogan discussed the grants to the various schools serving our area.
- New Business
- JLZ/SC presented guidelines for making requests of TLNA
- Next meeting to be at the usual time and place
- JLZ/SC mentioned that they thanked Supreme Pizza for its contribution to the Spaghetti Supper; Dave, the owner of Supreme, offered the restaurant for a meeting, but not on a Thursday evening – need to discuss this in advance.
- Motion to Adjourn made by Richard Linster and seconded by Kathleen Rideout; no discussion; passed unanimously and adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Submitted by SC and JLZ in lieu of the Secretary.
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