Meetingcalled to order at 6:45 PM.
RichardLinster, TLNA Nominating Committee read slate of officers put forth by the TLNANominating Committee.
Cheryl Wittke,
SusanBauman-Duren, Vice President
Sandy Ward,Secretary
NancyMcLean, Treasurer
RuthRohlich, Business Rep.
DavidWaugh, Community Services
Joe Brogan,Newsletter/Publicity
GigiHolland, Housing
Mary JoSchiavoni, Parks
RichardLinster, Membership
LonnieRichardson and Jessi Mulhall, Safety
CaroleTrone, Education
Rex Loehe,Social
Tim Olsen,Special Projects
PatrickMcDonnell, Transportation
MichelleKoehler, Area A
Bob Shaw,Area B
GayDavidson-Zielske, Area C
BobSommerfeldt, Area D
He calledfor nominations from the floor three times. None given. Hecalled for a vote Ð slate adopted by Annual Meeting participants.
CherylWittke, TLNA President, called for a vote to change bylaws as published in theTLNA Fall 2005 newsletter. Calledfor a motion and a second, bylaw changes adopted.
Cheryldistributed TLNA Neighborhood Plan ballots to meeting participants, and askedparticipants to please complete and return them to Studio Bloom, 845 E. JohnsonStreet by November 11. Neighborscan read the draft neighborhood plan at,and also plans for the 800 Block of E. Washington, which is an approved PUD(Planned Unit Development) also known as the Gorman Project.
Residentsare asked to attend a Town Hall meeting where a vote will be held on theneighborhood plan. The date ofthis meeting will be announced in a flyer/postcards distributed to all TLNAresidents and property owners. It will likely be the week of November 28. After this vote, the TLNA Council will act on the plan andsend it to the City of Madison Common Council.
A residentasked what the ÒGorman ProjectÓ is - David Waugh, TLNA Council member andneighborhood representative to the 800 block planning process described theproject and neighborhood input that went into the planning.
JohnJohnson, co-president of Lapham-Marquette Parent-Teacher Group (PTG), gave anupdate on the Madison Metropolitan School DistrictÕs East Boundary Task Force. John described the process and the possibility that an eastside elementary school Ð perhaps Lapham Ð could be closed, or boundarieschanged significantly. SharonRedinger, OÕKeefe Middle School PTG described a collaboration with east andnorthside schools that aims to avoid all school closings.
Meetingadjourned at 7:15.