October 23, 2003
Jim Zychowicz, Co-President
Sal Calomino, Co-President
Gay Davidson-Zielske, Treasurer
Paul Regner, neighbor
Mary Ebling, neighbor
Richard Linster, Membership
Joe Brogan, Education
Pat McDonnell, Transportation
Carol Weidel, Area A
Tim Olson, Special Projects
Ken Zielske, Newsletter
Cheryl Wittke, Secretary
1. Jim and Sal called meeting to order at 7:30. Introductions made.
2. Richard moved to adopt September minutes, Joe seconded, minutes adopted
3. Announcements and discussion:
· About idling trucks servicing dairy across from Lapham School. There is no written agreement with the dairy about minimizing truck idling, Jim found when he contacted Madison Police Department and Alder Brenda Konkel about it. Tim said that dairy ownership has changed hands so the issue should be revisited with them, because at one time the agreement was for trucks to be radioed to come when it's their turn so there aren't trucks waiting on the street. Dairy neighbor Mary Ebling said that if TLNA is willing to get involved, she would pull together a list of immediate neighbors. Joe suggested contacting former Lapham Principal Barb Thompson to find out what had been worked out previously. In the meantime, Jim suggested neighbors call the nonemergency PD number about noise complaints. Tim suggested that since current ordinances and signage are difficult for dairy to abide by, the management is likely to be open to negotiation. He suggested a meeting between dairy management, David Dryer and Arthur Ross, Madison Traffic Engineering; Lapham Principal Kristi Kloos and school district officials, Madison police, Alder Konkel, and TLNA representatives and affected neighbors to identify alternatives to strict enforcement and/or traffic calming to address the problem. Tim noted that the dairy would like all-night red-green-yellow cycle rather than flashing red at intersection, which was the case for a while but has changed again. This could be another point of agreement among all parties. Also, neighbors had concerns about the fence: Jim and Sal suggested calling George Hank about fixing it. George is great at resolving issues like this.
· Sal received a call from a local business person who's been annoyed by graffiti in the area. He agreed to provide up to a $1,000 reward if it led to an arrest and conviction, and if it were publicized so it would deter tagging (in the newsletter, for example). Questions: Any requirement that city agencies be involved? What are we legally bound to do? Sal and Jim will find out and report next time. Is he interested in being identified - is the neighborhood? What impacts would this have (eg would neighborhood be targeted by taggers)?
· Neighborhood Conference Report: Sal, Cheryl, Jim and Brenda attended the city's neighborhood conference. All agreed it was a good event, although it highlighted the need for the city to develop a comprehensive neighborhood policy. Jim and Sal wrote a letter to be sent to Mayor Dave asking for him to make development of neighborhood policy a priority, and forwarded it to Madison neighborhood association leaders asking them to co-sign. Eight neighborhoods signed on enthusiastically. Jim and Sal will tinker with the letter to note that neighborhood involvement in development of the policy is key. They will mail the letter to the Mayor.
· Related to development of city neighborhood policy, Jim and Sal announced that TLNA will apply for another neighborhood planning process (last was in '95). Also, Mary (also a graduate student in URPL) noted that URPL is under contract to conduct plans. She would like to be involved in the planning process.
Committee Reports
Gay, Social - Sheila Thompson, Ken, Joe and Kathy Brogan, Ann Katz, RP Pasta - thank you, and Gay will send thank you notes out. Thanks to Gay for her work, including a handbook about what she learned and the ice cream sign to share.
Gay, Treasurer's Report: approximately $14,000 in treasury
Tonight's Spagetti dinner: revenue $225, expenses $210 ($75 church rental, rest was for food)
Richard - since last report, he collected dues from 79 members for $392
161 total paid members. Richard will do another knock and check this fall, and will hook up with area reps in an effort to capture more folks. Approximately 10% residents turn over.
Revenue from ballister sale: $544 for 15 ballisters at meeting tonight.
Joe - education. Will touch base with new principals, and report next time.
Pat - Transportation. Since he's just on board since 4:00, doesn't have anything to report.
Kathleen Rideout would like to continue in some capacity. Richard will have conversations with her about her continued involvement. Kathleen not did attend city meeting soliciting input about new traffic light locations. Jim will contact her about requesting minutes from that meeting.
Adam - getting up to speed
Carol: Area A - a number of property transfers have happened in the area. Happening quickly - houses selling fast. Lots of construction and construction delays. Goal is to get maps early so we can request traffic calming early.
Ken: Newsletter - next deadline? December 1. Try to get it out so ads can be placed? Changed to a quarterly newsletter (rather than every 2 months). Richard asked that it go out in mid-January. Ken - typically the newsletter includes regular features (letters from the mayor, alders, etc). He would like to have items more specific to the neighborhood. His contact info is in latest issue of the newsletter.
Next meetings:
Nov 20
Dec 18
Carol requested that a calendar be presented. Jim will do that.
Richard moved to adjourn, Pat seconded, meeting adjourned at 8:15