TLNA Minutes for Thursday, October 17, 2002


Present: Rex Loehe, BobShaw, Sandy Ward, Pat McDonnell, Cheryl Redman, Lisa Nett, Susan Bauman-Duren,Diane Brusoe, Teena Browder, Jim Zychowicz, Sal Calomino, Joe Brogan, BrendaKonkel, Tim Olsen


Absent with call or email:Richard Linster


I.              Call to Order –quorum present.


II.            Rex Loehe: Minutes fromprevious meeting will have to be approved at the following meeting sinceRichard Linster has that attendance list and is out of town.



III.          Susan Bauman-Duren:Issue of cuts to school district diversity programs, as indicated in a letterTLNA received requesting financial assistance (TLNA used to do this).

a.     Discussion

b.     Motion by Lisa Nett to provide a one-time allocationof $750.00 to Lapham, Marquette, O’Keefe, and investigate how TLNA canbest serve East High.

                                                    i.     Motion seconded by Sandy Ward

                                                     ii.     Motion carried on a voice vote


IV.          Susan Bauman-Duren:Sherman Avenue Bridge Issue. Tenney-Lapham did not receive any communicationsregarding mitigation measures – where something of historical value isdestroyed and revenues are available for plaques, walks, videos, etc. This,despite several neighborhood meetings on the topic.

a.     Discussion

                                                    i.     Council agreed to let Susan Bauman-Duren send thedraft letter she prepared on matter to Amy Squiterri.


V.            Brenda Konkel: PlanCommission approved project at 18 N. Baldwin Street.

a.     Discussion

b.     Motion by Sandy Ward to reiterate unanimous supportin opposition to project.

                                                    i.     Motion seconded by Cheryl Redman.

                                                     ii.     Motion carried on voice vote.


VI.          Susan Bauman-Duren:Proposed that TLNA change the starting time of Social Events from 5:00 p.m. toa later time because people are unable to arrive that early.

a.     Discussion

                                                    i.     Without objection, the Council agreed to try changingthe time of Social Events to 6:0 – 7:30 p.m.


VII.        Brenda Konkel: Fourmeetings coming up:

a.     Comprehensive Planning Meeting, October 28, 2002,7:00 p.m. Civic Center.

b.     Area Sector Meeting, November 14, 2002.

c.     MSD Central Police Meeting, November 7, 2002.

d.     Breese Stevens Field Meeting, November 21, 2002;Lapham Cafeteria.


VIII.       Susan Bauman-Duren: Does Council want to change thenext TLNA meeting to 6:00 p.m. at Lapham School to accommodate the BreeseStevens Field Meeting?

a.     Discussion.

                                                    i.     Without objection, the Council agreed to meet atLapham School.


IX.          Motion by Rex Loehe toboth convene and adjourn meeting.

a.     Motion seconded by Susan Bauman-Duren.

b.     Motion carried on voice vote.



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