Present: Richard Linster(Chair), Rex Loehe, Margaret Bergamini, Jim Zychowicz, Sal Colomino, AlfredMeyer, Ed Jepsen, Tim Olsen, Teena Browder, Michael Theo, David Mandehr, TracyDanner, Brenda Konkel, Diane Brusoe, Rosolind Anderson
Absent with call oremail: Susan Bauman-Duren
I. 7:05 p.m. Callto Order – Quorum Present
a.Background: Roz Anderson bought property at 1339 E. Johnson Street in February2001. At the time, she thought shemight want to add a garage. Inquired with City to see if she’d need apermit to instead install a parking pad for the purpose of pick-ups anddrop-offs. She said the Engineering dept. told her that she couldn’t geta permit; the person doing the cut has to get the permit. Subsequently calledBadger Pro but was told they couldn’t do curb cut. Then contactedTri-County Paving. They could do paving but would need to subcontract curb cut.Roz Anderson then found another company to do the curb cut for $200 cash. The guycame and cut the curb and Roz assumed he had the appropriate permits. AfterwardsSkip Hanson called Roz Anderson to tell her she didn’t have a permit forthe curb cut but didn’t anticipate a problem. Two weeks later Badger procame out to begin the excavation work.
b.Tim Olsen contacted City regarding the lack of a permit. He was referred toSkip Hanson who said she could get one later. Tim Olsen checked the cityordinances and found this to be an illegal permitting procedure. Under theordinance, the curb must be taken out and replaced in its entirety. Wants toknow who has liability for this. Wants TLNA to ask Ald. Konkel and appropriatecity committees to begin a review of the permitting process and the history ofits implementation.
c.Discussionregarding the wording of a motion.
d.Motion by Tim Olsen and Seconded by Rex Loehe: To support the following statementsregarding construction of a front yard parking pad at 1339 E. Johnson Streetand to communicate these statements to Alderperson Brenda Konkel and throughher the entire City Council and appropriate city staff:
MotionCarried on Voice Vote.
III. Tracy Danner EVPCoffee is proposing a drive-through coffee facility at Fiore Shopping Mall.
IV. Ald. Brenda Konkel’sReport
Motioncarried on a voice vote.
Motioncarried on a voice vote.
V. Approval of minutesmoved by Mike Theo, motion carried on a voice vote.
VI. Bridge Discussion:parapet or not? – Margaret Bergamini – no motion to reconsider.
VII. Committee Reports:
Safety– final report turned in for safety grant. Nuisance houses in neighborhood.
Newsletter– David Mandehr is in process of easing himself out of the newsletter detailin the next six months.
Business– Supreme Pizza is reopening.
Membership– Richard collected from 55 members for a total of $290.
President:Richard met with Barbara Vedder and Carol Weidel regarding CommunityParticipation Award at annual meeting. Nomination of John Bell.
VII. Adjournment moved byRex Loehe – Motion carried on a voice vote.