TLNA Council Minutes – 9-18-03
TLNA Council Members Present: Bob Shaw, Margaret Bergamini, Sandy Wood, Pat McDonnell, Chris Jungbluth, Joe Brogan, Gay Davidson-Zielske, Sal Calomino, Jim Zychowicz: Guest - Jason Stanish, Katy Noelke.
Gay motioned to approve August21minutes – Minutes approved.
Discussion of City Committees involving notification process, unavailability of Larry Nelson, and of city staff taking side of contractors over residents – issue to be further discussed with Brenda.
Jason Stanish – spoke about support of neighbors, about fixing up property, and about license for an adult home at 924 E Mifflin to be forthcoming --- support was expressed by Margaret and Gay, and it was noted that Neighborhood approval for home is not needed.
Jim raised issue of staffing, Jason will be by himself in the beginning by choice to get to know clients – Sal raised issue of live-in staff, questions about how the clients are financed, and about contracts with Tellurium were also discussed. Jason spoke about expectations of clients. Gay asked about Blacksmith House. Margaret said it was a day Program and spoke about adult case services. Jason spoke more about funding which includes some state funds and section 8. Sandy moved to support and approve of Jason’s effort for group home - Margaret seconded and the motion was approved unanimously.
Committee Reports:
Parks – a lot of work being done in parks - all were encouraged to water trees – fliers were passed out regarding friends of Yahara – Sherman Ave bridge construc. delays, concerns about erosion – river very silted. Margaret will call in complaint. DNR will usually respond to citizen complaints, it was noted City not enforcing codes, and delay was caused by the need for permits to remove bird nest, - financing of park bench was discussed and it was noted $170. will be leftover, - Margaret motioned to use the $170 for plants and the motion was seconded by Sandy and approved – it was noted there is another $1200 in funding for plants at Filene Park leftover.
Publicity/Newsletter – Ken Zielske to take over newsletter publication as editor after fall issue. Noted - Balusters to be auctioned at Oct. spaghetti Supper. Mayor’s visit to Council Meeting in Oct. announced. Recommendations Re. Breese Stadium to go to city Council for approval. Noted – Council Officers to be elected at Spaghetti Diner Oct 23. It was suggested that people from Holly House be invited to Spaghetti diner for free because they are new to the neighborhood. It was agreed upon.
Safety – A meeting with Captain Luis S. including Sandy, Sal, Jim, Brenda - issue, certain addresses responsible for disproportionate police calls, efforts to make landlords responsible has not passed because of fears people will not call police ( fear of eviction ) 2 houses 810-816 Gorham St. have had hundreds of calls – ( owned by Korb Family ) Re. noise, vandalism – Captain Luis will send letter to landlord with copy to Brenda, Captain Luis and Brenda will meet with City Attorney, Captain Luis and Brenda will work on ordinance language to give police power to enforce without tenants fearing outcome.
Police Report - # issues Re. Prowlers, Auto Theft, Daytime Burglaries – problem is spillover from RR yards, problem people sleeping there – Lakewood Gardens, Sherman Terrace, Fordem Ave. are problem areas. Window peepers, and car break-ins, theft of Cd’s Laptops, items of choice. Marston Ave especially attractive because of park limiting visibility. Recommended: Motion sensors, lock windows, stay aware of access to home through windows with air-conditioners. Spaight St strong armed robbers caught. Three different groups involved. Graffiti better than past.
Social – discussed Auction plan for balusters- how many should be sold, minimum bid, success of Marquette Neighborhood group.
Presidents – Discussed Grocery store meeting, including idea of liquor store sales, and grocery store only sale of some liquor. Zoning meeting, revision of Neighborhood plan to spell things out more clearly regarding housing and zoning – announced traffic light meeting Tuesday Aug 25. Noted: progress on Johnson St. Project slow.
Announcements – Public hearing for Madison Metro regarding route revisions, especially important cross Isthmus route #10 and its use for access. Members urged to go to meeting by Margaret.
Gay made motion to adjourn which was seconded by Jim. . Motion was approved