TLNAMinutes for Thursday, September 19, 2002


Present: Rex Loehe, SusanBauman-Duren, Diane Brusoe, Teena Browder, Jim Zychowicz, Sal Calomino, SusanRybeck, Richard Linster, Joe Brogan, Brenda Konkel, Tim Olsen


Absent with call or email:


I.              7:09 p.m. Call to Order– quorum present.


II.            Committee Reports.


a.     Update on new neighbor packets (refer to August 15minutes for additional information) – Diane Brusoe

                                                    i.     The Girl Scouts stuffed the packets on Monday, andthe bags need to be hanged on doors prior to next meeting because they willcontain a blurb about the next meeting and spaghetti dinner.

                                                     ii.     The bags need to be distributed to selected areas– with students being targeted. Refer to map distributed by Diane notingstudent occupied rental units. Narrowed the number of units to receive bags to379 so far, but need to narrow further to 250.

                                                       iii.     General discussion on delivery of welcome bagsfollowed with Council members volunteering to help distribute them.


b.     Agenda Items for Next Month’s Police/SafetyMeeting at Spaghetti Supper – Jim & Sal.

                                                    i.     Want to let officers know what the focus of thediscussion will be so as not to spring anything on them. U.W. police will bethere to discuss student alcohol issues, other issues raised by Council membersfor discussion include graffiti, the need for a beat cop, registered sexualpredators near schools, panhandling, and dropped calls (Brenda Konkel notedthat if you call the police and don’t call back, you get dropped from thelist).

                                                     ii.     Brenda Konkel further noted:

1.     Captain Davenport may be at training with FBI for 12weeks in November and may be replaced in the interim.

2.     Some of the PD issues result from lack of leadershipfrom the top down and that a contentious relationship exists between theofficers and City Council.

3.     There currently exists a decentralized system withdiffering management styles by each district.

4.     Many of the police officers feel under pressure fromall directions.

5.     Police are also dealing in crises mode with cityevents such as the Conference of Mayors as opposed to neighborhood policing.


c.     Lisa Nett – Social.

1.     Need volunteers to help with Spaghetti Supper.

2.     Tim Olsen wants to auction off five of the balustersat the Spaghetti Supper.

a.     Motion: To reimburse Tim Olsen to advertise in theIsthmus, WSJ, and the Capital Times.

                                                                                                          i.     Motion carried on a voice vote.


d.     Tim Olsen – East Washington Avenue CommitteeUpdate.

1.     Need a representative on the East WashingtonCommittee.

2.     Diane Brusoe left EINCP and neighborhoodrepresentative is now needed.

3.     Teena Browder is the merchants' representative.


e.     Jim & Sal – Zoning

                                                    i.     Need input from businesses and something in writingfrom TLNA regarding the issue – more work with specific properties inquestion.

                                                     ii.     The Final Report of the Zoning Code AdvisoryCommittee, which is the working documents, was prepared December 9, 1998.

                                                       iii.     Tim Olsen also noted that ambiguity exists in theneighborhood plan, which was approved in 1995 as a two-year plan. That documentis getting old. He is working on drafting a letter of intent for newneighborhood plan.


f.      Brenda Konkel – Alder Report.

                                                    i.     Three big community meetings coming up don’thave dates yet.

1.     Comprehensive Planning for the entire city.

2.     Police staffing meeting.

3.     Breese Stevens Meetings.


                                                     ii.     It’s Capital and Operating Budget time. LetBrenda know if the neighborhood has needs/desires. Brenda will be working formore traffic calming.

                                                       iii.     Castle Place. Thought issue was resolved; however,the wrong signs were put up.

                                                      iv.     Street End issue (i.e., park and drinking issue)reconsidered, will be up again at October 1st meeting.

                                                     v.     Reynolds Park. No news on fence around generator.

                                                      vi.     Baldwin Property. Thought it went through. UrbanDesign asked for fence between new property and drainage.


III.          Motion by RichardLinster to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.

a.     Motion seconded by Diane Brusoe and carried on avoice vote.


IV.          Future Business –Tim Olsen

a.     Any interest in a neighborhood mayoral debate

                                                    i.     Richard Linster suggested doing so at January socialevent.

                                                     ii.     Teena Browder – Reminder of Gallery WalkOctober 4-5


V.            Motion for Adjournment

a.     Motion by Diane Brusoe.

b.     Seconded by everybody.

c.     Motion carried on a voice vote.


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