
Tenney LaphamNeighborhood Association Council

August 2, 2006

The Avenue Bar


Council Members Present:  Sean Gutkneckt, David Waugh, Patrick McDonnell, Sandy Ward,Susan Baumann-Duren, Joe Brogan, Gay Davidson-Zielske, Mary Jo Schiavoni, JamesRoper, Bob Somerfeldt, Carole Trone.


Guests: Barbara Vedder, Brenda Konkel


Call to order at 7:05

  1. Minutes of July 5th approved.  Moved by Gay.  All in favor.
  2. Concerns about excessively bright lights at Tenney locks.
    1. Mary Jo met with John Schraufanagel (Dane County Dept of Public Works)

                                                    i.     Hesaid that in 2 years the lumens will have decreased by about 50%

                                                     ii.     Thetiming (on/off) was adjusted because they were staying on too long into thenight.  Such adjusting will be doneseasonally.

                                                       iii.     Shieldswill be added to deflect the glare that is bothering neighbors to the north andcars on Sherman Avenue. 

    1. Barbara Vedder will follow up to assure that the shields are added.
  1. Review of projects for which the city has requested that TLNA provide letters of support for requests for federal funding.  Report from Sean.
    1. Sean received an email from the Mayors office (J. Hoffman) indicating that we have missed the deadline by which the city needed the letters.
    2. The draft letters provided by the city had so little detail that many felt uncomfortable stating support.
    3. Discussion ensued as to whether to provide letters of support even though we are past the deadline and whether we should support all of the projects or only those that relate directly to Tenney Lapham.
    4. Mary Jo moved and Gay seconded that we send the letters even though they are late and that we send support for all of the projects.  10 in favor.  1 abstention.
  2. James Madison Park
    1. Meetings coming up.

                                                    i.     Thursday8/3 at 5:15 with neighborhood representatives.

                                                     ii.     August30th open forum. Mary Jo encouraged everyone to come to this meetingto ask questions of the Mayor. 

    1. Discussion ensued as to the TLNA position on the Collins Houses, Lincoln School Condominiums and the land under them. 
    2. No vote was taken, but the current consensus, as articulated by Brenda, includes the following

                                                    i.     Dontsell the land under the houses.

                                                     ii.     Dosell the land under Lincoln School.

                                                       iii.     Keepthe Collins House (former B&B) for public use (e.g. a library)

                                                       iv.     Sellthe two smaller Collins houses (but we are split on whether they should bemoved or remain with the land leased back to the new owners).

  1. Kozak properties update
    1. The potential developer met with Brenda, Patrick and others on two occasions.
    2. He also met with Kitty Rankin regarding historic preservation.
    3. He has indicated that he will not pursue the project.  He views the constraints of historic preservation as limiting his ability to make sufficient profit.
  2. Neighborhood Plan land use issues.
    1. Patrick gave an update on the land use map that now includes notes describing basic land use and design requirements and short summaries of main points from the Land Use section of the Plan.
    2. David shared a comparison he had compiled regarding differing height requirements for the East Washington BUILD blocks.  The chart compared the BUILD, city staff, and TLNA Neighborhood Plan requirements.  It was pointed out that the TLNA requirements for East Washington now show 8 story maximums instead of 6 for some blocks.  Also, the maximum height on the Mifflin Street side of these blocks was incorrectly stated at 8 stories instead of 3 for the faade maximum, with step back heights limited by a 30 degree view line. 
    3. A discussion of desired heights and related issues ensued.
    4. Patrick moved and Mary Jo seconded that we amend our neighborhood plan language to state that maximum building heights on the BUILD blocks (600 1400 between E Washington and E Mifflin), unless otherwise specified, be limited by a 30 degree view line extending from the Mifflin faade tops southward to East Washington.  All in favor.   Patrick will forward a revised draft Land Use section of the plan to council members. 
  3. Bridge on Sherman Avenue.
    1. Mary Jo circulated a photograph and draft text for the plaque on the bridge that crosses the Yahara at Sherman Avenue.
    2. Susan and Sandy offered edits for the text.
    3. Sandy moved and Bob seconded accepting the revised text.  All in favor.
    4. Mary Jo requested $22 for expenses related to the plaque.  All in favor.
  4. Gorman Project -- Brenda reported that Gary Gorman informed her the project was cancelled as a result of the impasse on TIF funding.
  5. Adjourned at 8:45


Minutes submitted by S. Ward


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