TLNA Minutes for Thursday,July 18, 2002
Present: Susan Bauman-Duren, Diane Brusoe, Bob Shaw, SusanneRybeck, Jim Zychowicz, Sal Calomino, Lisa Nett, Pat McDonnell, Sandy Ward, Rex Loehe,Margaret Bergamini, Gay Davidson-Zielske, Brenda Konkel, Kathleen Rideout
Absent with call oremail: Mike Theo, Carol Weidel,Richard Linster, Alfred Meyer
I. 7:09 p.m. Call to Order – quorum present.
Motionby Kathleen Rideout to approve minutes for June 20, 2002, as corrected (underSafety Rpt., should read as: re signs for Paterson St. He wants referral…).
MotionSeconded by Susanne Rybeck.
Motioncarried on voice vote.
II. Committee Reports.
A). MargaretBergamini – Parks.
Motionby Margaret Bergamini re: request by Gigi Holland for $25.00 for rental of apontoon boat for picnic for Community Adolescent Program (CAP)
MotionSeconded by Kathleen Rideout
Motioncarried on voice vote.
B). KathleenRideout – Transportation.
1). Sentout notes to residents on Baldwin Street looking for assistance with thegardening/weeding of the traffic islands on Baldwin Street between E. JohnsonStreet and E. Washington Ave. Ifno one takes care of the gardening/weeding the City has indicated that theywill be blacktopped over (Ed. Note: “Yuk!”)
C). Lisa Nett– Social.
1). Reminder: Ice Cream Social August 11, 2002,2:00-5:00 p.m.
Segueinto brief discussion of “Slow Children Yard Signs” alongMarsten Avenue…
D). JimZychowicz & Sal Calomino – Safety.
1). PoliceReports have resumed.
2). Zoning: Brenda Konkel delivered big and easy toread zoning map.
3.) Problem development atN. Baldwin Street has been forwarded to Urban Design.
E). DaineBrusoe – Community Service.
1.) Asked everyone to referto Act Locally ad inNeighborhood Newsletter.
F). GayDavidson-Zielske – Housing.
1). Thetwo flats and lot at 1014-1018 E. Johnson Street are up for sale. Haung Nguyen couldn’t get housebuilt in between two buildings. He’s also trying to develop a property at Livingston and DaytonStreets.
G). Bob Shaw– Newsletter.
1). Nothingto report.
H). BrendaKonkel – Alders Report.
1). Gotzoning map to Jim and Sal.
2). CastlePlace meeting on Tuesday in front of City Transit and Parking
Committee(street has to be 28 feet wide to have parking on both sides, however, 32 feetis required by the Fire Department due to density. Next year the street is being reconstructed and the problemcould be resolved then).
III. Jim Zychowicz & Sal Calomino – Vandalism& Quality of Life Issues.
A). Reportedthat their house has been a repeated target of vandalism (see handout). Havecontacted police, but nothing resolved yet.
B). TLNAideas to try to resolve problem:
1. Margaret Bergamini – TLNA could draft letter tolandlords in the area about the problem and expectations (re: their tenantsbehavior).
2. Lisa Nett – TLNA could send letter to newtenants welcoming them to neighborhood and invite them to social events.
3. Daine Brusoe – Welcoming new tenants could be acommunity service project. Although not possible to do by August 15th, it could be doneearly in lease…sometime in September.
4. Brenda Konkel – Could insert tenants guide inneighborhood newsletter. GigiHolland did this in the past and included information re: tenant rights anduseful information and tips about garbage pick-up, etc.
5. Brenda Konkel – Hidden video cameras are usedby police for graffiti, should be used also for repeated harassment.
Motionby Margaret Bergamini: Send TLNA letter to landlords in the vicinity of 803 E.Gorham Street making them aware of the problem of vandalism/harassment, and askthem to screen tenants and keep an eye on property – anything to helpresolve problem. Further, sendTLNA letter to police department requesting surveillance and assistance toapprehend perpetrator.
· Friendly Amendment by Gay Davidson-Zielske: to ask police to usesurveillance cameras.
· Friendly Amendment by Sandra Ward: regarding screening language, switch“keep an eye on property” and in future “screen tenants(because problem already exists).
Motion as amended Seconded by Sandra Ward.
Motioncarried on voice vote.
Note: Margaret Bergamini will write and email draft of letter toTLNA
Council for immediate input/changes.
IV. Motionby Susan Kathleen Rideout for Adjournment. Motion Seconded by Margaret Bergamini. Motion carriedon a voice vote.
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