Tenney LaphamNeighborhood Association Council
June 7, 2006
Tenney Apartments,302 N. Baldwin
Council Members Present: Ruth Rohlich, Sean Gutkneckt, Richard Linster, CherylWittke, David Waugh, Gigi Holland, Patrick McDonnell, Sandy Ward, Susan Baumann-Duren,Joe Brogan, Gay Davidson-Zielske, Mary Jo Schiavoni, Nancy McClean
Guest: Police Officer Becca Lindsey
Call to order at 7:05
- Introduction of Officer Lindsey and brief discussion of safety issues.
- Officer Lindsey works the 3 to 11 shift in Tenney Lapham, while Officer Harless covers the day shift.
- Her telephone number is 266-4275.
- Gigi expressed concern about James Madison Park -- a lack of police presence and a perceived increase in drug traffic.
- Announcements.
- July 27th Gates of Heaven open house with refreshments at 5 and a program regarding urban forestry at 7.
- Fall House Tour
i. Beingorganized by Vilas neighborhood, but Gigi will take the lead in adding TenneyLapham to the program
ii. Goalis to promote change from rental to owner-occupancy by showing successfulexamples of such efforts
iii. Gigimoved and Mary Jo seconded that TLNA be involved. All in favor.
iv. Sandyand Ruth volunteered to help Gigi, including by finding properties where ownerswould agree to be on the tour.
- Neighborhood Plan update from Pat regarding the land use map.
- Area A, which covers most of the built neighborhood, has had some areas that we originally designated as LDR changed to MDR1 (16 to 25 units per acre) because those areas are already built at that density.
- The big achievement is that the equivalent of R5 zoning is permitted almost nowhere in Area A.
- There was a discussion of the need for some type of conservation district to preserve the character and identity of these areas.
- Cheryl reported that a draft conservation ordinance in process.
- Mary Jo moved and Gay seconded that we accept the map changes. All in favor.
- A remaining issue is that BUILD allows for higher maximum heights along East Washington than does the TLNA plan.
- Development projects.
- 625 E. Mifflin
i. Theproject has passed the Plan Commission.
ii. Theplan does not include any 3-bedroom units, a feature that TLNA had requestedwhen we gave our support to the project.
iii. Discussionensued about the need for the TLNA Council to be more clear about theconditions under which we offer endorsement/support for development projects inthe future.
- 428 N. Livingston.
i. Willbe considered tomorrow by the ZBA even though there is supposed to be aone-year wait between being turned down and coming back.
ii. Cherylwill contact Brenda to seek ZBA deferral
- Transportation issues -- Pat reported on the May meeting with 4 Alders and representatives from TLNA, Marquette, Capitol and SASSY neighborhoods.
- Judy Olsen will take a lead in organizing further meetings with the MayorŐs office and with Transportation Planning.
- A resolution calling for an update on a comprehensive traffic plan will be drafted.
- Pat shared the City Traffic Engineering response to the transportation section of the neighborhood plan.
- Gay encouraged us to focus on getting rid of single-occupant motor traffic.
- David commented on the clear split between city staff versus Transport 2020 with respect to considering traffic issues beyond the automobile as a mode of transportation.
- Mary Jo commented on how critical it is to make the Fordem-First-Washington connection.
- Richard suggested that we focus on getting Brenda to support and promote the transportation section of our neighborhood plan.
- Ruth suggested that we work to align ourselves with Transport 2020.
- Joe suggested that we be more outspoken about the need for trolleys.
- There was consensus that we hang tight with the transportation section of the neighborhood plan as written.
- Cheryl asked for a volunteer to read the letters of support that the city is requesting we provide in their efforts to obtain Federal funds. Ruth and Sean volunteered.
- James Madison Park issues.
- Mary Jo and Gigi met with Park staff who said they have no money in their budget for improvements to the park.
- The city plan is that James Madison will get only $100,000 from the sale of land under Lincoln School.
- Mary Jo moved and xx seconded that we rescind our approval for the land sale unless James Madison Park receives 50% of the proceeds earmarked for improvements. 12 in favor, and 1 opposed.
- Mary Jo moved and Sandy seconded that TLNA oppose the no-mow policy for James Madison and Giddings. All in favor.
- Lunch program at Christ Presbyterian Church
- Gigi suggested that we ask for the following.
i. Aclear start date
ii. Agreementfor TLNA Council members to attend an evaluation meeting that would occur 3months after the start date.
iii. Agreementto clear the brush from the Brearly street edge.
iv. Acopy of these requests to the police.
- Gigi will write and then circulate such letter to the Council.
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