TLNA Council


June 23, 2005



Present:  CherylWittke, Bob Summerfeldt, Susan Bauman-Duren, Bob Shaw, David Waugh, PatMcDonnell, Carol Trone

1.    1. Believing that they lacked a quorum, a vote for adoption of May 26, 2005 minutes was not taken. [Note that it turns out that there was a quorum because the bylaws specify that 7 is a quorum.]


2.    No progress reported from those present on Council Committeework plans.


3.    Pat McDonnell presented the proposed chapter format for the revisedNeighborhood Plan.  Each of the 6main chapters will include a vision statement and a list of goals.  Each goal will be further developed in3 parts:  discussion, action steps/projects,and implementers.   The formatwas discussed and endorsed by those present.


Pat McDonnell will forward the templateto each chapter lead on the Plan working group.


General discussion followedregarding desired content for some Plan chapters including:

a. A focus on familyowner-occupancy for Chapter 1, ���Zoning, Land Use & Redevelopment���.

b. For Chapter 6, ���CommunityBuilding���, consideration of a community room, an Atwood-type community center,and strengthening ties to schools.

c. For Chapter 4, ���Parks���,discussion of strategies for obtaining funding for public art, such aswind/sound sculptures.


4.    Susan Bauman-Duren discussed the history and prospects forusing the dollars earmarked for a Tenney Park Monument.


5.    Congratulations offered by all to Carol Trone for earning herPh.D. in Educational Policy Studies.


6.    Discussion item:  holdjust one Jul/Aug council meeting based on availability of a quorum.  Cheryl will poll members to see whichmonth is better.


7.    Topic for next meeting: Discussion of multi-neighborhood ���Downtown and East Isthmus Traffic andStreet-Use��� paper was tabled at the April meeting and should be taken up thenext council meeting.  Our sister NAsare proposing a combined meeting with alders Konkel, Olson, Benford andVerveer.


8.    TID note:  meetingregarding Salvation Army block to be held on 6/28 at 4:00 p.m.


Informal meeting ended at 8:30.



Minutes submitted by Pat McDonnell




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