TLNA Minutes, Thursday 19 June 2003


Present:  Board/TLNA:J. Zychowicz; S. Calomino; C. Jungbluth; R. Shaw; S. Duren; D. Finet;  J. Brogan;; R. Linster; J. Dexheimer; Guests: C. Wittke


Absent:  R.Loehe; A. Myer; D. Brusoe; G. Zielske; M. Bergamini; K. Rideout; S. Rybeck; C.Weidel; T. Browder; S. Ward


  1. Call to order at 7:05 p.m.; quorum present.



  1. Cheryl Wittke discussed the Crossing Flags program at Tenney Park and provided brochures for Board members to take and to share on their own blocks.  Training session planned for 6/28 at 10:00 a.m.



  1. Minutes from May approved as submitted (Motion: Linster/ Second Bauman-Duren).



  1. Rex Loehe to resign as secretary and suggested a replacement until elections occur.  Board by consensus decided to let it rotate. Zychowicz/Calomino filled in this month; Brogan to serve in July.



  1. Old Business:
    1. Downzoning:  reviewed plan and process as outlined by Brenda Konkel. Emphasized the way that this will help to stabilize TLNA and also reinforce the Neighborhood Plan. Ideas to support this include letters from residents, including landlords, and petitions signed at events, like the ice cream social. 
    2. Historic Marker:  Budget: $4k ($1k from Historic Madison, $1k from Gary (in memory of wife), plus addition funds from TLNA treasury.  Need to communicate with Margaret about this.  Susan Bauman-Duren to consult with Alf, who would then get in touch with Margaret Bergamini.



  1. Sgt. Dexheimer’s Report:: Police now use an office at Sonic Foundry (as of early June); various problems with vandalism/property damage; graffiti perpetrator “Ebola” – circulated photo; parking problems, before and after the street construction projects slated for the TLNA.



  1. Committee Reports
    1.  Joe Brogan (Education):  Barbara Thomas to leave Lapham School for New Glarus; recognize her contribution to TLNA via Barbara Vedder Award (decided by consensus), and Richard Linster will pursue this; also moved to grant the $25.00 TLNA awards to the 2002 (Seth Meyer) and 2003 (Alise Wehrman) National Merit Award Winners from TLNA (Motion: Brogan / Second: Linster).
    2. Bob Shaw (Gardens):  TLNA Garden Tour 6/22, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.; starts in Christ Presbyterian Parking Lot; circulated brochure; also mentioned new business (yoga studio) planned for the second floor of the Art Supply Store.
    3. Dave Finet (Housing): recapped zoning with Zychowicz/Calomino; EINPC manual in the works for neighborhoods and residents
    4. Richard Linster (Membership/Nominations): 52 members ($199); need three Board members for the Nominating Committee (to include Bob Shaw and Teena Browder);



  1. Announcements
    1. Mayor to attend 10/16 meeting; schedule Spaghetti Dinner as a separate event on 10/23 (consensus).
    2. Garden Tour
    3. Ice Cream Social on 6/29



  1. Adjournment ca. 8:45 (Motion: Linster / Second: Brogan)


Submitted by SC and JLZ in lieu of the Secretary


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