Present: R. Linster, S. Keyes-Rybeck, J. Zychowicz, S.Calomino, D. Brusoe, G. Davidson-Zielske, R. Shaw. Also present: S. Ward, P.McDonnell, J. Starkweather, Ald. B. Konkel
Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. Minutes of meeting of5/16/02 were approved m/s Davidson-Zielske/Keyes-Rybeck.
Report of Housing Subcommittee – Zychowicz &Calomino presented. Handouts were distributed. Discussions with otherneighborhood groups indicate it is quite possible to down-zone in TL area.Zoning map will be obtained with the help of Alder Konkel. Motion –Calomino/Brusoe – TLNA supports effort of housing subcommittee to pursuecomprehensive down-zoning in TLNA area. Approved.
Newsletter – Shaw presented. Newsletter will beassembled this weekend. Sharon Redinger’s art walk with 16 participantsscheduled for July 28. Ice Cream Social – August 11.
Housing – Davidson-Zielske presented. She reportedthat the green strip has not been replaced at the project on E. Johnson. GeorgeCarren should be consulted.
Joe Starkweather came before council with a proposal for amural on the wall of the laundromat at E. Johnson and N. Blount. Afterdiscussion council approved paying $100 for supplies for him to execute thisproject, m/s Shaw/Davidson-Zielske. Conditions are a courtesy letter to OMPNA,checking with the city, that Joe obtain written permission from the owner andthat we check with art supply store for possible donation.
Alder’s Report – Konkel presented. Upcomingmeetings: Monday, June 24 regarding Yacht club; Tuesday June
Safety – Zychowicz & Calomino presented. Letter of6/13/02 from parks superintendent regarding signs for Paterson Street. He wantsreferral to streets. No current police summaries available. Norris CourtGrocery was robbed.
Community Service – Brusoe presented. She will includeinfo in article for newsletter and seek volunteers.
Membership – Linster presented. Since last meeting 27members gained and dues collected increased by $105.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. m/s Calomino/Brusoe.
R. Linster, recorder