Tenney LaphamNeighborhood Association Council
May 3, 2006
Tenney Apartments,302 N. Baldwin
Council Members Present: Sean Gutkneckt, Cheryl Wittke, David Waugh, Gigi Holland,Patrick McDonnell, Susan Baumann-Duren, Lonnie Richardson, Jessi Mulhill, BobSommerfeldt, Bob Shaw, Nancy McLean, Gay Davidson-Zielske, Sonya Moskalik, JimRoper,
Guests: Glen Reichelderfer, Tim Parks, Matt Tucker, FayStephenson, Dusti Held, Jeff Held, Patrick McGowan, Eric Fleming, MichaelChristopher
Call to order at 7:08
- April Minutes. Motion to approve Š Susan/Gigi Approved unanimously
- Community Meal Program at Christ Presbyterian Church. Rev. Glen Reichelderfer presented information about the possible delivery of the lunch program at CPC over the next two years while the Murray Street construction goes on downtown behind St. PaulÕs Catholic Church.
- Lunches would be provided Monday through Thursday at CPC. Evening meals are and will continue to be provided at Luke House, 310 S. Ingersoll
- 120 Š 180 people take part daily. Average number is 150.
- Participants are working poor (about 1/3) or homeless (about 2/3).
- Paul Ashe with Luke House has been involved with this program for many years and there have been very few problems.
- If neighbors experience any problems, they can contact Paul Ashe.
- 428 N. Livingston proposal for condominium conversion.
Eric Fleming (owner),Michael Christopher (atty.), and Patrick McGowan (architect) presented therevised plans for condominium conversion of 428 N. Livingston. Matt Tucker and Tim Parks (city staff)presented information about the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) and Landmarks andPlan Commissions processes. Thenew design consists of additions on the rear and lake sides of the building. No increase is proposed for the buildingheight.
- Landmark status has been proposed for the existing structure. Eric Fleming supports this designation.
- The project will go before the ZBA on 5/11 to seek lake and property setback variances.
- If the Landmarks Commission declares it a landmark, they would also subsequently rule on the historic compatibility and appropriateness of the proposed additions.
- The project will go before the Plan Commission for a Conditional Use Permit. The R5 zoning remains the same, so this is not a Planned Unit Development (PUD).
- The proposal may not be required to go before the Common Council, but the Council may wish to act on it at its discretion.
Neighbors at the meeting - Fay Stephenson, Dusti andJeff Held, Jim Roper and Sonya Moskalik - spoke against the proposal citingconcerns about loss of lake view resulting in diminished use and enjoyment oftheir nearby properties.
- Gorman Project
David Waugh discussed two versions of the revisedproject plan for the 800 Block of East Washington. Plan 1 was the version supported by residents at apresentation session held the previous month. Motion to endorse Plan 1 in a letter to Mayor Cieslewicz wasmade by Sean and seconded by Gay. Passed unanimously.
- Sean will draft a letter (with input from David and Pat) for CherylÕs signature.
- Additional participants (new faces) needed for future meetings Š Pat and Sean volunteered.
- Hysterical Balusters. There are still 15 historic balusters from the old Main Street Bridge. They will be sold off at a suggested price of $30 each as a fundraiser for TLNA.
- Meeting adjourned by consensus at 9:15
Minutes prepared by Pat McDonnell
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