TLNA Council Minutes
May 26, 2005
Present: JoeBrogan, Richard Linster, David Waugh, Sandy Ward, Ruth Rohlich, Gigi Holland,Gay Davidson-Zielske, Carol Weidel, Bob Shaw, Cheryl Wittke (Chair).
Guests: BrendaKonkel, Beth Gross, and Bob Sommerfeldt.
Call to order and introductions at 7:00
I. Beth Gross: County update.
a. County planning process is underway
i. OnJune 1 there will be an Attain Dane session. She will email details regarding time and place
ii. OnJune 8 there will be a session for young professionals
b. Beth and Brenda are planning a listening session. Details will follow by email
c. Beth is putting a newsletter together and needs to fund raiseto support this effort because County Supervisors have no budget for this sortof thing.
d. Boating policy
i. Thereare plans to install buoys to mark the no-wake zone
ii. Theuproar over extending no-wake in Squaw Bay shows how loud the opposition tono-wakes can be.
iii. Manyon the TLNA Council expressed a desire to stop boats from parking near Tenneybeach.
iv. Complaintsshould be called in to Fritz Kroncke at Parks
v. Bethwill look into whether lifeguards could tell boaters that they can’t parkthere.
vi. Howabout signage?
II. Announcements
a. OMP
i. OMPhas officially dissolved
ii. Blairwill be the split for those who join TLNA versus those who join DowntownNeighborhoods
iii. RichardLinster moved and Carol Weidel seconded that TLNA forgive one year’s membershipfor those coming from OMP into TLNA. Unanimous in favor
iv. Richardmoved and Gigi seconded that Bob Sommerfeldt will be the Area Rep.
b. Joe Brogan offered to take over the newsletter
i. Bobwill walk him thorough some of the tricks of the trade
ii. Sept15 is the deadline for the fall newsletter
c. Carol Weidel passed around a letter for our consideration andCheryl asked that it be discussed via email rather than at the meeting.
III. Minutes of April meeting approved
IV. Update of neighborhood plan
a. Town Hall meeting
i. 45people signed in and probably more than that were there
ii. Workon summarizing the input from the session is in progress
b. Next steps
i. Splitinto 2 workgroups to address the 6 topics
1. land use – Cheryl will organize
2. the other five topics – Gigi and Sandy will organize
ii. timeline
1. Next town hall meeting on Sept 13 from 7 to 9 at Lapham
2. Ratify at the October annual meeting on Oct 20th
V. Committee reports, Budget and Workplan development
a. Budget
i. Goalis to develop an explicit budget
ii. Committeewill be Richard, Cheryl, and Gay
b. Social – the following ideas were considered
i. Bringlocal talent to social meetings
ii. Provideeducational sessions
iii. Havemovies in the park
c. Membership
i. Sincelast report Richard has collected $238 in dues from 30 members
ii. Hewould like to bring more people into the membership committee
d. Business – the following ideas were considered
i. Createa business brochure
ii. Jointhe buy-local initiative
iii. Profileone business for each newsletter
e. Education
i. Goalis to bring the community and schools into better understanding of each other
ii. Apetition regarding fine arts and foreign languages was distributed. Return completed ones to Joe by June 6th
iii. OnJune 12th there will be a School Board Meeting
VI. Brenda Konkel report
a. Parks
i. Brenda,Sy, and Mary Jo Schiavoni met about parks issues
ii. SendBrenda or Mary Jo your ideas for park improvements
b. Send Brenda ideas for people deserving of recognition by theCouncil
c. TIF and BUILD -- Some in the Marquette neighborhood areconcerned that the processes are moving too quickly
VII. Bob Shaw announced that Skip Zak died and suggested that TLNAsend a condolence card.
The meeting ended by consensus at9:00
Minutes submitted by Sandra Ward
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