TLNA CouncilMeeting 5/16/02
Present: Bauman-Duren, Shaw, Bergamini, Linster, Browder,Brusoe, Zychowicz, Calomino, Brogan, Olsen & Meyer. Also present –Jepsen, McDonnell, Redman, Williams, Squiteri, Phillips, Walker, Johan& Ald. Brenda Konkel.
Breese Stevens – Shaw presented. Committee made recenttour of facility. Repairs are needed, field currently at maximum use. Musicvenues are a possible compatible use.
Reynolds Park – Bergamini presented. She met withShaw, Olsen, Konkel and Al Larsen from the Water Utility. Issue with neighborsis substituting proposed cedar fence with a brick wall that would be compatiblewith the pumping station. By motion of Bergamini/Meyer Council approvedrecommendation for brick wall – for bid in June – to be completed thisyear. By motion of Meyer/Brogan Council approved maintaining and improvingtennis courts at Reynolds.
Alder’s Report – Konkel presented. MG&E treecutting, capital budget June 16. Request to parks for replacement of pier atBrearly Street. Yahara River Parkway, bathhouse. Sidney Street slated forstreet construction and sewer in 2003. Castle Place parking sign, purchase anddevelopment of Mautz Paint. 726 e. Dayton Street, habitat for Humanity House.
Zoning – Zychowicz & Calomino presented. Report distributedwith handouts. Application could be made to rezone in a test area. Konkelsuggested speaking with city staff. Subcommittee was asked to make contact withstaff and neighborhood groups who have success full down zoned. Discussion willcontinue at next meeting.
Motion to rescind previous action regarding bridgebalustrades approved by motion of Browder/Olsen. By motion of Brusoe/Meyercouncil approved authorizing Olsen to sell/auction balustrades (reserving 5).
Yahara Bridge at Sherman Avenue. Guests presented. Aftermuch discussion council and members present voted 8-4 to recommend metalrailing.
By motion of Linster/Brusoe, council adjourned at 8:50 pm.
Richard Linster, recorder.