TLNA Council Minutes

April 28, 2005

Present: Joe Brogan, Richard Linster, David Waugh, Patrick McDonnell, Sandy Ward, Ruth Rohlich, Gigi Holland, Gay Davidson-Zielske, Susan Baumann-Duren, Cheryl Wittke (Chair).
Guests: Mark Olinger, Brenda Konkel, and Bob Sommerfeldt.Call to order and introductions at 7:05

I. Re-ordering of agenda. Cheryl announced that the planned agenda was being set aside in order to take advantage of the opportunity to talk to Mark Olinger about BUILD, the update of the TLNA Neighborhood Plan, and TIF issues.

II. Mark Olinger provided an update on these issues.

a. BUILD & TIF are two sides of the same coin: BUILD is planning while TIF is financing

i. County money set aside to use to prevent sprawl
ii. Every previous plan has had East Washington street as an “edge” rather than as a focus
iii. 100 years ago, along East Washington, employment centers and homes co-existed
iv. Urged us to consider what we want in terms of look, feel, and use.
v. How does BUILD get implemented? BUILD could be added to the Neighborhood Plan and to the Comprehensive Plan
vi. Gay suggested having tree planting serve as the focal point for development rather than as an after thought
vii. Why is the time frame for the BUILD process so short?
1. You can keep people engaged if the process is fast/short
2. Need to act now before the development projects get going.

i. Idea for TID was to protect light business needs (employment) rather than allowing all of East Washington to become condominium (residential)
ii. Map distributed: Does TLNA want areas 1, 3, & 4 in the TID?
iii. Joe Brogan raised the issue of schools
1. He is concerned about negative impact of TID on schools
2. Mark Olinger replied that the School Board always has an opportunity to vote on whether to support a TID and that the Board always votes in favor of it.
iv. Mark will forward a copy of the draft of the Comprehensive Plan.
v. Conservation District
1. TLNA would need to petition for it
2. City staff are working on a draft of this petition.
vi. There will be a public hearing on August 22nd.
The meeting ended by consensus at 9:00
Minutes submitted by Sandra Ward

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