Council Members Present: Rex Loehe, Carol Weidel, Sal Calomino, Richard Linster,Susan Bauman-Duren, Diane Brusoe, Joe Brogan, Bob Shaw, Gay Davidson-Zielske,Jim Zychowicz, Margaret Bergamini, Teena Browder, Chris Jungbluth, Sgt.Dexheimer
I. Meeting Called to Order 7:40 p.m.
II. Introductions Around the Table
III. Distribution and Approval of Minutes from January and March,2003
a. Motion by MargaretBergamini to approve March Minutes as amended by Sal Calomino: {lobbyingprocess before public hearings are made in advance of public hearings}
b. Seconded by SusanBauman-Duren
c. Motion Carried on aVoice Vote
IV. Budget: BudgetReport from Alf Meyer will be forthcoming next month.
V. Blood Drive: Diane Brusoe reported the Blood Drive between TLNA and ChristPresbyterian Church was a success.
a. Motion to reimburseDiane Brusoe $6.36 for expenses associated with Blood Drive.
b. Motion seconded by JoeBrogan
c. Motion carried on avoice vote.
VI. Confirm Zoning Change for Carl’s Paddlin from M1 to C3
a. Coming before Planning Commission May 19th.
b. Coming before City Council June 3rd.
VII. Approval of Minutes from January 2003.
a. Motion by JimZychowicz to approve January Minutes as amended: {addition of “JimZychowicz” to Council Members Present and the addition of a hyphenbetween Bauman-Duren}
b. Seconded by RichardLinster
c. Motion Carried on aVoice Vote
d. Rex Loehe agreed to email council members the correctedversion of the January minutes.
VIII. Alder Report – Brenda Konkel
a. No Report, Brenda Konkel was unable to attend meeting.
IX. Sgt. Dexheimer
a. Staffing affected by war, i.e. demonstrations.
b. “Ride-Along” Program available to interestedCouncil members.
c. TLNA Police Update Overview (refer to handout for details)
1. Offered assistance to help slow/reduce traffic on thesethoroughfares.
X. Committee Reports
a. Safe Community Coalition – Jim Zychowicz
b. Housing – Jim Zychowicz
c. Newsletter – Bob Shaw
d. Education – Joe Brogan
e. Parks – Margaret Bergamini
XI. New Business
a. Teena Browder: “Recyclye and Reuse in a New Way”
XII. Membership – Richard Linster
a. Collected 28 member dues totaling $119.00.
b. Receipts for tonight’s Pancake Supper = 40 adults and 20children
XIII. Carol Weidel moved toadjourn.
a. Motion seconded byMargaret Bergamini.
b. Motion carried on avoice vote.