Tenney LaphamNeighborhood Association Council
March 7, 2007
Council Members Present: Patrick McDonnell, Sandy Ward, Richard Freihoefer, SeanGutknecht, Jim Sturm, Nancy McLean, Ruth Rohlich, Susan Baumann-Duren, DianeMilligan, David Waugh, James Roper, Carole Trone
Guests: OfficerTim Radke, Ed Jepsen
Call to order at 7:05
- Introductions were made.
- Minutes of February meeting approved unanimously.
- Ed Jepsen, Friends of Yahara Parkway, request
- Ed requested that the TNA Council send a letter to Parks Dept requesting a plan to improve the site near the south east side of the Johnson bridge. The last dilapidated boathouse was removed but nothing has been done to make the site more attractive.
- Jim moved and Diane seconded that we send the letter. All in favor.
- Pat will draft the letter using EdŐs text, send it to Jim Morgan of Parks Dept. and cc Si Wydstrand and Brenda Konkel.
- Future of Lapham School
- The Madison School District again has a budget shortfall and this pattern will likely continue, and in fact will worsen, in upcoming years.
- As long as there are State caps on school spending this pattern will continue.
- Personnel is the largest category of school cost (e.g. Librarians, principals, teachers).
- Lapham is a relatively low attendance school.
- A proposal has been put forward to make Lapham K to 5, move Sherman schoolchildren to OŐKeefe, and use Sherman for all alternative programs.
- This would save the cost of renting buildings for alternative programs, maybe save a little on personnel cost and keep Lapham open.
- Diane moved and Sean seconded that the TLNA Council send a letter to the School Board expressing our support for keeping Lapham open. All in favor.
- Carole will draft the letter and will then forward it to Pat for a signature.
- Parks
- James Madison Park and the land under Lincoln School
i. Avote was taken as to whether to uphold or vote down the March 2006 motionregarding the sale of the land under Lincoln School.
ii. Thatmotion was: ŇThe TLNA supports thesale of the land under Lincoln School with 2/3 of the proceeds to be dedicatedto maintenance and improvement of James Madison Park with the followingprovisos:
1. A deed restriction prohibiting any alteration to the historicfront or sides of the building.
2. Proper appraisals to ensure that the City receives fair marketvalue.
3. Deed restrictions offering the City first option to buy backthe land in perpetuity if the building is destroyed and limiting the size ofany replacement building to not exceed the footprint of the current building.
iii. 8in favor of upholding and 3 opposed
- Earth Day clean up.
i. Jimwill be out of town on April 21st and needs others to help out onthe clean up in James Madison and Tenney parks.
ii. Jimwill do the work of getting materials organized for the effort. E.g. gloves, bags, poker sticks, anddrinks for the volunteers (bottled water).
iii. Ifthe city doesnŐt supply bags and gloves, Susan and Sandy will buy these (Susanwill do the actual purchase)
iv. Onthe day of the event, Susan will lead the effort in Tenney Park and Sandy willlead the effort in James Madison.
- Introduction of Officer Tim Radke – he will attend future TLNA Council meetings and Pat will put him early on the agenda so that he doesnŐt have to stay for the full meeting.
- Contact information for Tim
i. 2097817
ii. [email protected]
- Tim is on the Central Community Policing Team
i. Heis not a Neighborhood Officer assigned just to Tenney Lapham, but rathera liaison between the Police Department and us.
ii. Heis there to answer questions and provide information.
- He is not the one to call for immediate service in an emergency. Such calls should go to:
i. 911for emergency
ii. 266-4275for non-emergency
- Issues of concern expressed by Council members include
i. Acrack house on the 900 block of East Dayton.
ii. Reportsof several episodes of child enticement.
iii. Graffitiat bus stops on Gorham and on the underpasses along the Yahara. Given that more school children will beusing these underpasses to get to and from school, we are concerned about thesafety of these areas.
- Alder report sent by email
- A James Madison Park committee will be formed to decide issues such as whether to sell or move the historic properties at the East end of the park.
- The Urban Design Commission will meet March 14th at 5:15 in room LL130 of the Municipal Building to consider the East Washington BUILD Report.
- EINPC – report from Sean.
- The new Executive Director resigned after 3 months.
- Funding for staff positions has been cut.
- It is not clear that the organization is viable.
- They are sponsoring a Mayoral forum and Sean will forward the details of time and place.
- Water quality – no further report
- East Johnson businesses
- Update
i. Businessesare struggling
ii. Thereare many vacancies
iii. Manyspaces are leased but not occupied
- On Friday March 9th, there will be a Guerilla Art Show at the art supply store from 6 to about 9
- Ruth will seek two city grants to help the district
i. Onefor replacing the banners on East Johnson and the other for planters.
ii. Sandymoved and Susan seconded that the Council sign off on and forward these grantapplications to the City. All infavor.
- Housing – DianeŐs report
- Diane will send out a request for volunteers to contact her to work on turning the Marquette plan for working with developers into one for Tenney Lapham.
- The subcommittee working on local historic designation is moving forward with planning this effort.
Adjourned by consensus at 9:05
Minutes submitted by Sandy Ward
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