TLNA Council


March 24, 2005


Present:  JoeBrogan, Richard Linster (Chair), David Waugh, Carole Trone, Patrick McDonnell,Sandy Ward, Gigi Holland, Carol Weidel, Bob Shaw, Ruth Rohlich.


Guests:  JoeSensenbrenner, Brenda Konkel, Beth Gross.


Call to order and introductions at 7:03

I.              TIF

a.    Joe Sensenbrenner -- Favors a Ògo-big right awayÓ approach

                                                    i.     Believesthat having a larger TID from the start will result in there being moreinfluence from the community

                                                     ii.     Seethe Central Park development as benefiting from there being a large TID fromthe start

                                                       iii.     Seesthis as the last big opportunity for visionary development in the Isthmus

b.    Brenda Konkel -- Favors an incremental, Ògo-slowÓ approach

                                                    i.     Wantsa year for neighborhood wishes to be made known

1.    Complete neighborhood plan update

2.    Begin effort for a conservation district (north of E.Washington)

3.    Re-draw neighborhood boundaries

4.    Move forward on BUILD

                                                     ii.     Evenwith a go-slow approach a TIF could eventually support things such as

1.    Re-building East Mifflin St (2007)

2.    Park and Ride at MG&E space near 1st Street

3.    East Washington bridge

4.    Bike path near Yahara RIver

c.    Questions were raised

                                                    i.     Whatabout tax burden Ð Does TIF take away future tax base?

                                                     ii.     Whatreally is the difference in the two approaches in that both seem to have thesame outcome?


II.            Minutes of February meeting approved.  Note that there was an error in thatthe Pancake Supper will be on Thursday May 5th (not the 4thas originally noted in the minutes).

III.          Bylaws revision

a.    Carol distributed suggestions

b.    Sandy suggested adding ÒSafetyÓ as a committee

c.    Brenda suggested moving forward with making changes to theneighborhood boundaries

d.    Carol and Richard volunteered to work further on revisions

IV.          Neighborhood Plan

a.    Goals have been drafted

b.    Survey regarding goals has gone to Ken for the Newsletter

c.    Land use section needs work

                                                    i.     SeeSouth Madison plan as an excellent example regarding land use and down zoning

                                                     ii.     Gigiwill contact Tim Schreiber regarding assistance with that section of our plan

d.    Hope is to ratify the plan at a fall meeting

e.    Further input from community

                                                    i.     Pancakesupper

1.    Use as opportunity to raise awareness

2.    Discuss surveys that have already been returned

3.    Collect surveys that are brought to the meeting

4.    David volunteered to do a 10 minute slide show

                                                     ii.     Havea town hall meeting

1.    May 19 from 7 to 9

2.    See if Lapham auditorium is available

V.            Reynolds Park

a.    Bob described the ÒWish ListÓ that has been developed

b.    Brenda will set up a meeting with Sy Wistrand

c.    David notes that the conservatory idea was not inlcuded

d.    Pat suggested adding to wish list the idea of vacatingLivingston and extending the park across that street

VI.          Boundary Committee

a.    A meeting with people from OMP was held

b.    There is general agreement from OMP that the area east ofBlair should join TLNA and the area west of Blair should join CapitalNeighborhoods

c.    An article about this process is coming out in the nextnewsletter

d.    About 415 households will join TLNA

e.    We will need an Area Rep for OMP

f.     Questions were raised as to the status of annexing ShermanTerrace into TNLA

VII.        Beth Gross report

a.    The County is engaging in a comprehensive planning process asrequired by state law

b.    She is looking into pursuing concerns about noise, pollution,boat size and the need for no-wake zones on the downtown lakes

VIII.      Brenda Konkel report

a.    March 30th BUILD meeting at Lapham school from 6 to8

b.    April 2nd meeting 945 E. Washington at 10 a.m.

c.    March 31st Capital Neighborhood at Concourse at 7p.m. to discuss Òbest practicesÓ in development

d.    April 7th meeting regarding TIF at 1023 E. MainStreet at 5:30.

IX.         Motion by Gigi regarding CAP (youths doing trash pick up onthe breakwater):  provide a thankyou of $50.  Unanimous agreement.


The meeting ended by consensus at9:10


Minutes submitted by Sandra Ward


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