
Tenney LaphamNeighborhood Association Council

March 19, 2004


Meetingcalled to order at 7:00 PM


Susan Ayers

Rose Smith

Gary Gilman



Ryan Cate

Larry Nespy




SimonWidstrand Ð Madison Parks Department


Jon Becker

Mike Ott ÐMadison Police Department

DianeMilligan, TLNA Housing Cmte

Ed Jepsen,Friends of Yahara Parkway


TLNACouncil Members present:


Sandy Ward

Gig Holland

Adam Cain





Joe Brogan






Councilapproved February minutes (moved by Gigi, seconded by Carol, motion carried)


Aftercorrection of spelling of Chris JungbluthÕs name, January minutes were approved(moved by Carol, seconded by Sandy)


Jim notedthat the following items would be moved to the next meeting:  CarlÕs Paddling and Historic Monument


Announcement:  Tenney Park Anniversary t-shirts arestill available for sale Ð for details, talk to Susan


1 Sherman TerraceDevelopment


MichaelMatty of Renaissance Development gave a presentation on the proposedproject.  Noted that they are earlyin the planning process.  No planis in place Ð whatÕs on their website is an architectÕs drawing provided as asales pitch to developer. 

Renaissancehas had sole possession of the site for a few years.  Building sits in the city, parking lot is town ofMadison.  Renaissance is talking tocity engineering and others about annexation. 


Generalplans for the site include: 


Margaret ÐwhatÕs timeline?

Michael Ð 6months just to come up with a plan (sanitary sewer would have to be moved, MGEhas easement and has talked to developer about moving lines, water table ishigh at this location)

3 months tonotify people;  6 months to movethrough city processes


Gigi Ð whatother developments has Renaissance completed?

Michael Ðthis is our first residential development, and is also building a residentialdevelopment on E. Washington. 

Gigi Ð whatis proposed density?

Michael Ðnot sure, but would have 3 units of inclusionary zoning to be sold at a reducedprice if Community Car is used.


Jim Ð Landis owned by condo association, but Renaissance has exclusive rights to build,develop, etc.  Condo associationhas already given consent, so they wonÕt have to approve it again.


Questionfrom meeting attendee:  Would thenew building be part of the condo association?


Michael Ðno Ð a new one would be formed. Site is zoned c2 (commercial). Would have to be part of a PUD, and would need to come back to theneighborhood association.


Questionfrom meeting attendee:  Why didnÕtyou come to Sherman Terrace association first?


Michael Ðthere were no entanglements on our side. Previous owners didnÕt pay taxes on the site, there were tanksunderground, bylaws are complicated and outdated, which createdcomplications.  Amendment givesexclusive right, not ownership.


Commentfrom meeting attendee:  Residentsown the parking lot and pay taxes. Maybe Renaissance is unclear on what can be done with the location.  Sherman Terrace Condo residents areconcerned about more traffic and congestion at the location.


ShermanTerrace is actually a city street, not condo property.


Commentfrom meeting attendee:  Residentsthought he was pursuing development without giving them an opportunity tocomment.


Michael:  I felt it was important to getentanglements ironed out first.  Onthe size question, it could be 3 stories under c2, PUD could make it higher, ascould inclusionary zoning, but that doesnÕt mean Renaissance would choose to doso.


Margaret:  Suggestion on process.  For TLNA, its good to hear fromRenaissance before plans are made Ð we appreciate this.  Sounds like issues need to be addressedat Sherman Terrace board and resident level.  Please continue talking to them Ð go there before comingback to TLNA.


Jim Ð dueto inclusionary zoning, there are no other legal requirements for developer tocome to neighborhood association.


Margaret Ðmoves that Renaissance continues to meet with Sherman Terrace Condo Associationregarding development of 1 Sherman Terrace to iron out details.  Requests that Michael come back to TLNAwhen thereÕs something on paper.

Sandy Ðseconded.


Discussion:  Carol Ð perhaps TLNA could help set upmeetings.


Commentsfrom meeting attendees:  Peopleacross the street that know about proposed project donÕt like the density.  Maybe residents donÕt even know whatÕsplanned. 


Sal Ðfriendly amendment Ð include residents across the street in discussions.


Michael Ðdoes the neighborhood association notify residents? 


Margaretand Susan Ð no, communication networks are not that strong.


2ndTuesday of the month is condo association meeting.


MultijurisdictionalPUDs Ð need to identify on lead municipality and they will take care ofnotifying folks.


Suggestionwas made that Sherman Terrace form a separate neighborhood association.


Margaret Ðhow is condo association organized? If tenants arenÕt represented, TLNA should stay involved.




Yahara River ParkwayReport Ð Ed


City plansfor Thorton Ave:  street out,condemned little car lot, adding access for Great Big Pictures, CarlÕsPaddling, etc.  Great Big Picturesowns two buildings, so will create a wider ÒpriviledgedÓ access (8Õ wide sidewalk,could handle golf cart).


Sandy Ð canpower lines be buried?  Who pays(city, landowners)? 

Ed Ð goodto explore.

Margaret Ðdifficult too because of transformer.

Sy Ð hasnÕtbeen feasible to date, but Parks is open to discussion.

Pat Ðconsistent with neighborhood plan, we should pursue that.

Ed Ð willshop the idea around to MGE, Parks Dept.

Margaret Ðput together reps from TLNA and Friends of Yahara, Open Space Ð approach MGEfor donation.


Sandy Ðmotion.  In adherence to YaharaParkway and TLNA plan, make every effort to bury utility lines.




Lighting for Ice Skating ÐSimon Widstrand, Madison Parks Department


Ice skatinglighting needs to be replaced. 


Simpleissue:  existing hockey lighting is6 -  50Õ poles Ð Parks proposesreplacing these with 4 Ð 40 foot poles. This is sufficient given new lighting and three fixtures.  Fixtures would be consistent with thoseat other parks Ð galvanized poles without visors because theyÕre not reallynecessary.    They wouldlike to have these installed by Madison Traffic Engineering over the summer.


Morecomplicated issue:  lighting oflagoon also needs to be replaced. Currently there are 30 ft. poles Ð we could stay with 30 ft. or go to 40ft. and put them in the trees.  Higher poles give better light dispersal without glare.  Other option would be to put lights onthe ouside so all would shine onto lagoon.  Lights on the outside would point in. 


Margaret Ðwhat affect will lighting have on dark sky issues.


Sy Ð most glarewill come off the ice, not from the element.  There will also be less light on lagoon than on the hockeyrink.


Othernotice needed?  Residents of E.Johnson and Marston should probably be notified.  Sy will come to April 27 pancake supper. 


Police report Ð OfficerMike Ott


OfficerOtt  is Madison Police rep to theTLNA.  His beat is 3 Ð 11, and heloves working in the area.  Report:


1)   Alcoholreport and impact:  There arenÕtmany bars in Tenney-Lapham neighborhood, but often police services to the neighborhoodare slow because all police are elsewhere dealing with alcohol calls.


2)   Crimestats for 2003 (Uniform Crime reporting). 5 major categories.  Goodnews- crime is down,  HeÕll checkto see if report is published on the website.


3)  Garbagepickup before 6 AM.  When someonecomplains, garbage contractors move early pickup to another location.  Alder Konkel noted Alder Verveer andcity attorney met with contractors and theyÕve agreed to be moreresponsible.  Keep complaining andpolice department will cite drivers.


4)  Calls forservice October Ð January:  4batteries, 1 strong arm robbery, 18 burglaries, 2 death investigations, 4 fights, drug investigations.  701 parking complaints. Crashes Ð47.  12 hit and runs, 7 drunkdriving.  At 950 E. Wash Ð a deathtied to drugs from that residence.


Susan Ð twomeetings ago, Madison Police notified the neighborhood that 2 sex offendersmoved into the neighborhood, but area elementary school principals were notinformed.  Is there a way to ensurethat this information is shared? Given the rash of approaches lately, principals should know.  Alder Brenda should be notified too.


CommunityOriented Policing Teams Ð expanded role to take care of issues other than thoseon State Street.  We will see alittle more of these teams in neighborhoods.  Plan is to be more responsive to issues east of thesquare.  2nd shiftpriority is to deal with house parties. Bars are on city property, so UW PD doesnÕt deal with them.  New dean of students is helping improvecommunication and sanctions for habitual problems. 


Susan Ðsuggests PD provides info to TLNA on house parties for stuffers that aredistributed by neighborhood in August. 500 copies. 


Mike willaccept lists of houses that have been a problem.  Also, he will bring traffic-related issues to Captain Yudicefor CPT to deal with.


Mike willask MPD data analyst to sort information so its more accessible Ð probably byboth call type and address.


Susan Ðwhat issues due to E. Wash reconstruction has PD identified?  Is city tracking increased speed andtraffic volume on neighborhood streets? Mike noted that he hasnÕt seen changes on E. Johnson.  They lengthened green lights on E. Washand thatÕs keeping the flow going. Brenda Ð there is more traffic on Willy Street.


AlderÕsReport Ð Brenda Konkel:


PUDapplication at 1029 and 1029 ½ E. Gorham.  Son wants tolive in one, daughter to live in other. Keep them owner occupied.


428 N.Livingston Ð wants to move house to parking lot behind Yahara House.  Has to get county, city and 2 Nas toapprove it.  Historic house.  Owner is making a good faith effort nowto contact folks.


Lots ofpeople were interested in serving on committees per BrendaÕs invitation toapply.  ThatÕs great Ð Mayor reallyneeds people to serve.  If you wantto be on the list, please let her know.


Anotheropportunity to serve:  E. WashBUILD Committee (itÕs now being created. Work will take a year to complete).  In-fill development, county grant to plan it. 


EastWashington corridor planning: MayorÕs vision announcement was geared to business.  Some were upset because they heardabout it late in the game.  He wasencouraging landowners to do something with the land.


There willlikely be a TIF district created after BUILD planning.  Heard thereÕs been progress on DonMiller lot.  Sal Ð is there anofficial rep from the NA?  Brenda Ðnot officially, but it would be important to maintain communication.


Earlymorning trash issue Ð e-mail from Capt. Yudice.  If enough people complain, PD will forward to city attorneyfor prosecution.


  1. Washington spillover?  There are reports of semis on Gorham, which is not a truck route.  Also, reports of problems accessing businesses on E. Wash.


E. Johnsonwill be closed for a couple of weekends this summer, due to sewer issues?  First BrendaÕs heard of it Ð sheÕllfind out more.


TransportationCommittee Report:


Pat distributed vision statement.  Please send comments about vision forcommittee to share at comprehensive Planning Meeting.


Meetingadjourned at 9:10



CherylWittke, TLNA Secretary



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