Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association CouncilMinutes
Present: Bob Shaw, Jim Zychowicz, Sal Calomino, SusanBauman-Duren, Diane Brusoe, Joe Brogan, Teena Browder, Margaret Bergamini,Sandra Ward, Patrick McDonnell, Gay Davidson-Zielske, Kathleen Rideout, TimOlsen, Kristin Eschenfelder, Mary Ebeling, Suzanne Keyes Rybeck, Mark Drulle,Guests: Karen Crossley, Ed Jepsen.
Call to order 7:05.
Round table introductions.
Minutes of 2/20/03 approved as distributed.
Approval of minutes of January meeting postponed.
Endowment fund for O’Keefe School.
- Karen Crossley presented background information about the Foundation for Madison Public Schools and how this foundation relates to the O’Keefe endowment.
- Several points were emphasized about the O’Keefe endowment
- The intent is to supplement, not replace, tax dollars
- The endowment is invested for long term growth
- Money donated to O’Keefe stays with O’Keefe
- Decisions about spending the yearly 5% pay out reside with O’Keefe parents, teachers, and principal
- To date, about $18,000 has been pledged to the endowment.
- Karen asked that TLNA make a contribution to the endowment (the suggested level is $500).
- We decided to withhold action until we have a budget report from our treasurer. Susan will get this report and bring it to the next meeting.
Banners on Johnson Street.
- Some banners have been damaged and others stolen.
- The Tenney-Lapham Corporation has requested in writing that TLNA give $170 to the corporation to defray replacement costs.
- Margaret moved that we pay.
- Kathleen seconded.
- Discussion: Make sure police know about this vandalism.
- Vote: Passed unanimous.
Yahara River Parkway (Thornton Avenue between E. Johnson& E. Washington).
- Ed Jepsen presented information about the current status of plans.
- There will be a meeting on April 3 from 6p to 8p at O’Keefe to discuss plans.
- The issue is how best to maintain green space while also providing road access for businesses in the area.
- A way to achieve this goal is to use the easement that runs diagonally behind the businesses.
- Motion by Ed: The TLNA supports the Yahara River Master Plan for removal of Thornton Avenue as approved by the City Council. We support full implementation of the plans for Thornton Avenue and for tunnels on both sides of the river. We would like to meet with city engineering and businesses in the area so that access needs can be met.
- Tim seconded.
- Discussion: We need to move quickly on making our position known.
- Vote: Passes unanimous.
Reconstructionon Paterson, Livingston, Prospect, and Washburn (Sal reported).
- Areas of these streets will be reconstructed this spring and home owners have been assessed for the cost of this effort.
- Reconstruction includes
- Rip up sewer lines.
- Resurface the street.
- Fix or install curbs.
- Replace some sidewalks.
- Bury some utility wires.
- The start date is roughly June 16th and it is expected that work will go on for about 3 months.
- The Board of Public Works approved the plan for reconstruction and this plan will be forwarded to the City Council.
- Kathleen moved that a letter be sent to City Engineering to request that future reconstruction plans be sent to TLNA so that there is reasonable opportunity for the neighborhood to discuss implications, such as inclusion of traffic calming strategies.
- Susan seconded.
- Discussion: Jim volunteered to write the letter.
- Vote: Passed unanimous.
Report from Gay (Social Chair).
- Pancake supper on April 17 at Christ Presbyterian
- Diane volunteered to come early (5:15) to help set up.
- Susan volunteered to stay and help with clean up. More volunteers are needed.
- We need to be sure to have someone there who knows how to run the dishwasher because the last time we used the church the dishes were left unwashed in the machine.
- Ice Cream Social (ICS)
- Tenney Shelter is not available on date we originally wanted.
- Plan is to combine the ICS with the Art Walk.
- Discussion ensued as to where to place the ice cream. Two ideas were the grassy area along the riverbank on Thornton or somewhere on the Church property. Further discussion will be held at our next meeting.
- The event will take place on June 29.
Report from Margaret (Parks Chair).
- The new shelter at the Pontoon Launch is going up. TLNA never received pictures and never approved the project.
- There will be a work party at Tenney on April 19.
- April 26 is Youth Service day. They will work in Tenney.
Housing committee report (given by Sal).
- First Weber is considering purchasing properties on East Johnson.
- One of their representatives called Sal and asked to meet to discuss their plans.
- It seems they want to construct a building on what is currently the driveways between 1014 and 1020 East Johnson.
- Sal told the First Weber representative to talk to our Alder.
Diane’s report.
Blood drive on April 5. At least one more volunteer is needed to serve cookies, andtwo are needed who can lift 50 pounds to help unload equipment.
Adjourned by consensus at 9:05.
Submitted by Sandra Ward
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