Minutes of TLNA Council Meeting, March 21, 2002


Present: Bauman-Duren, Nett, Brusoe, Weidel, Rybeck,Rideout, Linster, Browder, Calomino, Zychowicz, Shaw, Ingebritson. Alsopresent: Ann O’Brien, David Finet, Patrick McDonnell, Sandra Ward, Ald.Brenda Konkel, MPD June Graber, Deanna Riley sub., Sue Ames, StephanieBradley-Williams & Capt. Davenport


Meeting called to order by President at 7:05 pm. Minutes ofmeeting of 2/21 approved m/s Nett/Weidel. Council seated Brusoe as CommunityServices Chair m/s Linster/Browder.


Brusoe presented a proposal “Addressing FoodInsecurity in the Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood.”


Copies were distributed. Ann O’Brien (for GigiHolland) presented on traffic calming measures on Sherman Avenue. Rideoutprovided further information. Funds are appropriated and encumbered. Matter isbefore City Ped/Bike Committee (3/26). Neighborhood support is requested tohave this scheduled for discussion at future Ped/Bike meetings. M/SRideout/Linster to do so. Approved by voice vote.


Alder’s Report: Konkel presented 1) special councilmeeting 3/26 on budget, 2) State Street plan, rumor that Board of Estimates maydelay, 3) Breese Stevens Subcommittee – Konkel & Shaw attended. Shawrequested time at May meeting for discussion on this matter.


David Finet spoke on issue of 18 N. Baldwin Street. Heshares many of the concerns in the letter from Quality Collision Body Shop onEast Washington, these include number of units (4) on small lot, greenspace,egress to traffic signals and possible flooding. Action at previous meeting wasnot to sign conditional use permit waiver and have Gary Pressentin come beforeTLNA Council and discuss project in detail.


President Bauman briefly reported on “LaundroArt” and “Art Walk” scheduled for July 28, to be organized bySharon Redinger and in conjunction with TLNA Ice Cream Social.


Police Report – Given information provided, the policeview Tenney-Lapham as a relatively safe area. Many of the complaints generateddeal with “quality of life” issued. As an organization and asresidents we are encouraged to use discretion/initiative in solving problems.Being stationary we can observe trends/patterns, while police are responding tosituations, often of a crisis nature. The area could benefit from a“liaison officer” who could be consulted with. Currently programsare being fashioned, such as “Safer Bars” that would minimize the“pull” of resources from this and other areas into the downtown.Tenney Park is quiet and the shelter area will be checked with the return ofgood weather. Graffiti is increasing and the department is working closely withthe graffiti abatement team. Am emphasis on traffic safety continues and isreflected with increased citations. The officers fielded a number of questionsfrom the council.


Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm by m/s Rideout/Linster.



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