Tenney-LaphamNeighborhood Association Council
February 7, 2007
Present: JoeBrogan, Gay D-Z, Pat McDonnell, Richard Linster, Cheryl Wittke, Jim Sturm, SeanGutknecht, Diane Milligan, Bob Sommerfeldt, Ruth Rohlich,
Guest: EdJepsen
- 7:04 - Meeting called to order and introductions.
- Ed Jepsen asks TLNA to donate $1,000 to fund a walking tour publication and web site to commemorate Tenney Park and the opening of new Yahara Parkway improvements. Request was tabled until later in the evening when budget was approved. (Request approved unanimously with Milligan amendment that Ed be asked to put an ad soliciting general neighborhood support in the newsletter.)
- Tenney Shelter reconstruction: Jim Sturm showed survey that he, Mary Jo, and Mary Lang Sollinger sent out asking what kinds of use have been made of shelter and what kinds of improvements are wanted. There was discussion of how much reimbursement was needed for mailing, but no costs attached at that time (see budget discussions). The Òball is rollingÓ on the new shelter project though no decisions on design or timeline have been made yet.
- Prolonged discussion on whether to revisit prior TLNA resolution concerning the sale of James Madison Park properties. Pat McDonnell reviewed the March 2006 resolution passed by the council. Richard Linster eventually introduces motion to reconsider the prior resolution, seconded by Jim Sturm. Motion passed unanimously. Richard then offers amendment that 1) TLNA does not recommend sale, but in the event that sale occurs, 100% of proceeds go to parks and that a height consideration be added to requirements for any eventual rebuilding. Discussion ensued, but it was eventually moved by Sean G. that we table the vote on the reconsideration of the March 2006 resolution until March 2007 meeting. Ten voted in favor, 1 against (Waugh). Tabling passed. Jim S. withdraws his motion to amend until further discussion. Joe Brogan asks that a discussion between himself and Gay D-Z about uses for the Collins House be put on the table for a future meeting. Agreed by consensus.
- Pat McDonnell asked whether we want to go on record as supporting the idea of the creation of a committee to discuss the disposal or uses of James Madison parkland and buildings. David W. proposed that a letter be written saying we support the idea of such a committee, but that we indicate that we are not endorsing any one plan until we know further details. Motion passes with nine in favor—one opposed (D-Z) who was completely flummoxed by this time. Nobody has volunteered to write said letter. (Pat will draft a letter and circulate for review.)
- Budget spending plan for 2007 was introduced and revised to include the addition of two items: Jim Sturm asked a total of $200.00 to support work on Tenney Park Shelter reconstruction committee costs and a miscellaneous events fund. Richard Linster asked for $50.00 to support membership drive. Revised worksheet is attached. It was agreed that although budget exceeds anticipated revenue, it does not jeopardize our previously approved $4,000 minimum reserve. Budget plan passed unanimously.
- Meeting adjourned (Waugh/D-Z) at 9:00 PM.
Minutes respectfully submitted byGay Davidson-Zielske, TEMPORARY secretary
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