TLNA Council Minutes
February 24, 2005
Present: Joe Brogan, Susan Baumann-Duren, Richard Linster, Cheryl Wittke, Mary Jo Schiavoni, David Waugh, Carole Trone, Patrick McDonnell, Teena Browder, Gay Dividson-Zielske, Sandy Ward
Call to order at 7:07
1. January minutes approved as distributed
2. Announcements from Cheryl (accompanied by brochures that were passed around)
a. A neighborhood grants program is available to fund small projects
b. There will be a meeting about the regional transportation plan (P. McDonnell will follow up on this).
c. The EINPC Leadership College is offering courses
3. Draft of the update of the Neighborhood Plan
a. P. McDonnell described briefly the work that has been done
i. Committee has included Gigi Holland (Chair), Joe Brogan, Richard Linster, Time Olsen, Ed Jepsen, Patrick McDonnell and Sandy Ward
ii. Many members of the council spoke of how helpful the plan has been in achieving neighborhood improvements, particularly in the area of Parks and the Yahara Parkway.
iii. Some guiding principles in the work to date include
1. Deleting goals if they have been accomplished
2. Combining goals that were redundant (e.g. same idea appearing in different sections of the plan)
3. Using direct, action language rather than verbs such as “consider”.
4. Adding zoning and land use to the redevelopment section to create one section
5. Combining housing and infrastructure.
b. A very preliminary draft was distributed. The draft contains the group’s first effort at revising the vision statements and the goals. No attempt has yet been made to address the third level of the plan (the recommendations) because agreement should first be reached about the first two levels (vision and goals). Suggestions for change included
i. In the Parks section, add a goal that states, “Enhance park facilities and infrastructure”.
ii. Brenda thought that the goal about an annual picnic in Tenney park should included Breese Stevens as a possible picnic site.
iii. Brenda suggested that the phrase “pre 1964 zoning model” will not be clear to most people.
iv. Determine if the plan should cover Old Market Place
v. As written it does include Old Market Place east of Blair Street.
vi. Mary Jo moved (Sandy seconded) that we develop a subcommittee to explore the boundaries of TLNA. All in favor. Brenda will facilitate a meeting that will include Teena, Richard, Mary Jo, and Patrick from TLNA with several people from other associations (e.g. S. Glen and I. Hecht).
vii. Contingent on the outcome of these discussions, (if TLNA is expanded to include new areas) the next TLNA newsletter should be distributed to the area bounded by Blair and Livingston and by East Washington and Lake Mendota. This will mean approximately 800 more copies of the newsletter
4. A draft of a survey that could be used to get broad feedback about the goals was distributed. Suggestions for change included
a. Use five response options instead of three (include “strongly support” and “strongly oppose” as options)
b. Allow return not only by mail but also by “drop boxes” at various locations, including at the Pancake Supper
c. Carole suggested that an article accompany the survey to emphasize why it is important. Cheryl suggested an update of the article that appeared in the last newsletter.
d. Get the final copy to Ken for printing by March 15
e. Determine how to accomplish the use of paid return postage
f. Council members should get feedback on the goal statements to Gigi and Sandy by March 4.
5. The Pancake Supper will be Thursday May 5 because that is one of two days when the pancake maker is available.
6. Communication between TLNA and Alder and County Board Reps
a. Cheryl and David expressed concern about lack of communication between TLAN and Brenda
b. Brenda and David expressed concern that TLNA has developed a reputation of not showing up for city meetings
c. David pointed out that he and Carole area attending EINPC meetings
d. Brenda noted that Legistar will be up and functional by March 1.
e. Brenda asked how much information we want her to pass on. The consensus was that not everything needed to be passed on; rather focus on issues that directly affect the neighborhood (e.g. zoning)
f. Brenda, Cheryl and David will meet to talk about ways to improve communication.
g. Brenda expressed surprise that we were working on an update of the Neighborhood Plan.
i. This led to David expressing concern that a professional should be hired to update the plan.
ii. Susan pointed out that the development of the current plan was a $100,000 effort that took place over several years. The current effort is an update (not a start-from-scratch) and we have a budget of 2,500, although our treasury could support somewhat over that amount.
iii. There was general support for moving ahead as we are and using available funds for getting resident feedback.
7. Parks report
a. Mary Jo distributed the plan for plantings at Filene Park
i. She would like to figure out a way to get some art into the park
ii. Sherman Terrace residents have expressed the desire to maintain the park area after it is planted.
iii. Susan moved (Gay seconded) and all were in favor of the plan
b. Mary Jo asked that we approve an annual stipend for flower use in the amount of $400 so that she and Bob Shaw don’t have to come to the Council with a request every time they need to buy flowers. Susan moved this as a motion (Sandy seconded) and all were in favor.
8. Education report
a. Joe distributed a letter from Karen and Alan Crosley about a request from East High for financial support.
b. The Council agreed in principle (but not with a specific amount) to make a contribution. This was a motion by Susan (seconded by Mary Jo) and approved by all.
c. Discussion of this topic will continue at the next meeting.The meeting ended by consensus at 9:10
Minutes submitted by
Sandra Ward