Present: Bob Shaw, Suzanne Rybeck, Richard Linster, BrendaKonkel, David Finet, Jim Zychowicz, Sal Calomino, Chris Jungbluth, SusanBauman-Duren, Diane Brusoe, Joe Brogan, Teena Browder, Margaret Bergamini
Guests: Don Sanford, Peggy Elath, John Haugen-Wente, JimDexheimer
Meeting called to order: 7:05.
Approval of January minutes was postponed until the Marchmeeting.
John Haugen-Wente has purchased Carl’s Paddling andthe business is now called Carl & John’s Paddling.
Motion by Joe Brogan: “TLNA Council supports a zoningchange for the building from M1 to C3.” Second by Susan Bauman-Duren. Approved unanimously.
Don Sanford of the Mendota Community Sailing Organizationspoke to the council regarding the proposed community sailing center at BurrowsPark.
He made the following points:
Privatemoney would be used for a public improvement.
Itwould encompass waterfront education and boating education.
Thegroup would raise a million dollars and the building would be public.
Peoplewould have access to the waterfront.
Theidea got beat up at the Park’s commission.
Itwould provide low-income and handicapped instruction.
Theimmediate neighbors were furious; their concerns were traffic, archaeology, andan inappropriate use of public land.
TheMendota Sailing Organization had hired a traffic engineer who said thatactivities would happen at opposite times of current Mendota Yacht Clubactivities.
ThePark’s Commission wanted money in hand and also money for an endowment.
Joe Brogan said that there were two concerns from TLNA atlast month’s meeting: 1) usurpation of valuable lake frontage, and 2)park is used by many working groups and that would involve a parking issue.
Don said he would be happy to answer any otherconcerns. He can be contacted at255-1508 or at [email protected].
South side of East Washington abutting our neighborhood isbeing looked at for a TIF District. City staff has notified Brenda it is also looking at some blocks on thenorth side of East Washington in our neighborhood also for a TIF district.
Police are considering sharing Willy Street Police Officerwith us.
Brenda is concerned about construction during the next fewyears of the bridges over Sherman Avenue, E. Johnson, and E. Washington.
$10,000 is in the budget for the historic bathroom.
All officers will be assigned geographic areas.
Membership –Linster reported receiving $83 from 20 members.
Newsletter –Deadline is February 28 for the Spring Issue. The summer issue will be moved up a month to accommodate theNeighborhood Art Fair the end of June.
Education –Joe is concerned about a rule that East High School might impose upon freshmanwho want to take biology. Theymight require a 3.5 GPA or a superior score on a standardized exam.
Parks –Margaret is working with David Strandberg to get a pier again at GiddingsPark. She recently received a callfrom Si Widstrom who said it is looking more encouraging.
Business –Teena said all is fine.
Community Service– Dianne said she has a tentative date for a blood drive in April butmore details will be forthcoming next week.
Housing –David said he is working on theplan for proposed down zoning for the area.
Motion by Richard Linster to adjourn and seconded by SusanBauman-Duren. Meeting adjourned at9:00 p.m.
Submitted by Bob Shaw