Present: Susan Bauman-Duren, Sal Calomino, Rex Loehe, GayDavidson-Zielske, Diane Brusoe, Bob Shaw, Joe Brogan, Margaret Bergamini, GigiHolland, Lisa Nett, Steve Cohan, Mark McFadden, Brenda Konkel
II. Steve Cohan: Additional-Conditional use PermitApplication.
a. Cohan-Peckham House at 1134 Sherman Avenue, 500 square footaddition on back of the house, requiring permit.
b. Specific action brought before the TLNA: need waiver signed byboth Alder and TLNA President to forward to City Council to get the go aheadfor construction (30-day notice requirement). This is an ordinance changeeffective January 1, 2002.
III. Diane Brusoe: Report on Possible Community ServiceProject.
a. Link Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) with localneighbors and national food systems to make affordable at neighborhood level.
a. Can coordinate with neighborhood pick-up sites.
b. A nonprofit group needs to administer (fiscal agent) grantmoney, etc.
c. If there is any interest, Diane will put together proposals,grant applications, etc.
b. Motion by Susan Bauman-Duren: Should Diane put together aproposal? Motion carried on a voice vote.
IV. Mark McFadden – EINCP Representative: Report onEast Washington Reconstruction Project (refer to handouts).
a. Two important upcoming meeting dates:
V. Return to discussion on Conditional use PermitApplication.
a. Motion by Susan Bauman-Duren: Should TLNA sign the waiver forSteve Cohan? Motion carried on a voice vote with Gay Davidson-Zielskeabstaining.
VI. Committee Reports:
a. Gay Davidson-Zielske reported on the response she receivedfrom Mark Olinger of the City Planning and Development Department regarding theproperty at 204-208 N. Livingston.
b. Housing Sub-Committee (refer to handout): Report ready forconsideration at a future TLNA meeting when placed on the agenda.
c. Safety. Sal Calomino reported that at the next TLNA meeting,representatives from the Madison Police Department will speak to neighborhoodconcerns.
d. Brenda Konkel: reported on city budget. Neighborhood shouldprioritize cuts. May have two district listening sessions for neighbors to airconcerns. Also reported on complaints regarding the lack of space at newpolling places for November elections.
VII. Motion by Margaret Bergamini: Susan Bauman-Duren shouldnot sign conditional use permit waiver on N. Baldwin property presented by GaryPressentin, and accordingly have him come to TLNA Council to discuss project indetail. Motion seconded by Gay Davidson-Zielske. Motion carried on a voicevote.
VIII. Motion by Gay Davidson-Zielske to approve the minutesfor January 24, 2001. Motion seconded by Joe Brogan. Motion carried on a voicevote.
IX. Motion by Rex Loehe for adjournment. Motion seconded byLisa Nett. Motion carried on a voice vote.