TLNA Council Minutes

January 27, 2005

Present: Cheryl Wittke, Susan Baumann-Duren, Sandra Ward, Patrick McDonnell, Jim Sturm (for Mary Jo Schiavoni), Adam Cain, Carol Weidel, Carole Trone, Gigi Holland, David Waugh, Rex Loehe, Bob Shaw, Ruth Rohlich, Gay Davidson-Zielske, and Joe Brogan.

Call to order at 7:15.

1. Minutes approved as distributed.

2. Motion by S. Ward, seconded by C. Weidel to add Ruth Rohlich to the Board as the Business Representative. Unanimous approval.

3. Treasurer’s report
a. $700 was used for the last newsletter
b. No other changes since last month’s report.

4. Update on 800 block of East Washington (by David Waugh)
a. The developer will soon go to the Urban Design Commission (UDC).
b. Board members made many positive comments about the developer’s plan, the role that David, Bob and Carole played in the process, and the developer’s interest in community input.
c. S. Ward moved support of the letter to endorse the Developer’s plans with the following additions and changes. Seconded by C. Weidel.
i. Inclusionary zoning should be spread across all floor plans
ii. Green building techniques should be emphasized
iii. An environmental impact analysis is needed
iv. Wording regarding endorsement of the planned height should be deleted and the paragraph re-worded as suggested by S. Bauman-Duren
d. Unanimous approval.

5. Martin Houses in Tenney Park
a. Request from B. Shaw for $300 from TLNA funds to match Parks’ contribution to purchase and install additional purple martin houses in Tenney Park
b. Bob gave an update on the success of the existing houses
i. Although it took a few years, the birds have moved in and seem happy.
ii. Additional housing is now needed for the offspring
c. S. Bauman-Duren moved approval and G. Davidson-Zielske seconded. Unanimous approval.

6. Sharon Redinger requests up to $300 to make 6 signs to promote the TL Art Walk to be held Sunday June 26th. S. Bauman-Duren moved support if these signs can be constructed so as to be re-useable. C. Weidel seconded. Unanimous vote in favor.

7. Cheryl asked that TLNA become a member of the Safe Community Coalition. S. Bauman-Duren moved and C. Weidel seconded that TLNA become a member at the $100 level. Unanimous vote in favor.

8. EINPC requested a contribution from TLNA. S. Bauman-Duren moved that we allocate $100. C. Wittke seconded. Unanimous vote in favor.

9. Bylaws review

a. C. Weidel distributed copies of the bylaws
b. Next month we will make changes to bring the bylaws up to date or to bring our practice in line with the bylaws.
c. e.g. we need to make sure that our notices for the winter pot luck indicate that this is a meeting of the general membership.
d. Carol will email suggested revisions to the Baord before our next meeting.

10. Update on the neighborhood plan (report by Gigi Holland).
a. There have been 2 meetings of the work group
b. The group wants to do a survey to solicit input from the entire community including absentee landlords
c. Alders have monies to support mailings
d. S. Ward will get names of survey researchers who could help develop a simple questionnaire
e. The work group wants their review and revisions to be done in 6 to 9 months

Adjourn 8:50

- Sandy Ward, Secretary

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