Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association CouncilMinutes



1.  The meeting called to order at 7:05, with following memberspresent:


Salvatore Calomino

Jim Zychowicz

Carol Weidel

Adam Cain

Teena Browder

Ken Zielske

Gay Zielske

Cheryl Wittke

Chris Jungbluth

Sandy Ward

Gigi Holland

Diane Milligan


2.  December minutes approved


3. Old Business:


EINPC RepresentativeNeeded:  Ken Zielske volunteered torepresent TLNA on the East Isthmus Neighborhood Planning Council, which is anumbrella organization on the near east side that builds collaboration amongneighborhood and businesses associations, coordinates the Grassroots LeadershipCollege, provides support to fledgling neighborhood associations and organizescandidate forums.


Inclusionary Zoning:   On January 8th, Sandy,Patrick, Ed Jepsen, Sal and Jim attended the MayorÕs meeting on theinclusionary zoning ordinance. They expressed concern about the ramifications of inclusionary zoning onR4 and R5-zoned neighborhoods.  Sal and Jim continue to attempt to meet with Brenda about this issue andnow it relates to TLNA downzoning to R3. Question was raised about whether neighborhood residents can downzonetheir own property, and whether TLNA might be able to support thisfinancially.  Diane offered toconnect with Brenda and to work with Jim and Sal on this issue. 


Revised TLNA Plan:  Sal and Jim are awaiting word onwhether funding support will be available this year to update TLÕs neighborhoodplan.  


4.  Reports


Education Ð Gay on behalf ofJoe Brogan.   With approvalfrom PTG, a 4th grade teacher at Marquette requested support forbuying Indian Nations of Wisconsin for students.  Susan moved that TLNA contribute $175 toward the purchase ofthese books, which will cost  $700total.   Sandy seconded.  Motion carried.  Susan will see that credit is given toTLNA for the contribution, both on the books and in school newsletters.


TreasurerÕs Report ÐGay.  Budget:  TLNA has $13,782 in a money manageraccount;  $770 in checking.  Carol asked how much we take in andspend each year Ð discussed creation of a budget.   Richard noted that we take in @ $2,000 per yearthrough membership drives and fundraising activities.  Gay will work on developing a budget.


Newsletter Ð Ken.   Advertising pays cost ofproducing newsletter, plus some. HeÕll figure out what TLNA nets. Gigi suggested approaching DVP about anewsletter ad.


Susan  We had $1,000 in funding from HistoricMadison for a neighborhood sign but will have to reapply if we want to accessthis money.


Area Reports:  ItÕs icy out there!  DonÕt put salt or salt substitute onnew sidewalks, though, or theyÕll disintegrate. 


Membership Ð Richard:  2003 $1501 in dues;  closed out year with 273 members.  At January pot luck, 15 membershipscame in for $98, $32 at the door, $11.11 in expenses and $75 for hall rental.


Safety Ð Sandy:  There were daytime break-ins to homesacross from the park on Johnson Street. Discussion about creating neighborhood watches.


Transportation Ð Pat:  Pat gave a complete report to everyonewho attended the TLNA potluck about the committeeÕs work to address trafficissues in the neighborhood Ð maps and all!  He will keep us posted on efforts to work with the mayor andcity staff on these issues.   Is broadening the committee membership.


Adjourned 8:30.


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