Topic 2: Transportation
- Improve safety and accessibility for crossing the Isthmus from Johnson/Gorham to Williamson. Increase lighting. Currently, I and others, do not feel safe crossing the isthmus on Baldwin or Ingersoll after dark on foot.
- How could goal 1 be possible without MASSIVE inconvenience to Madisonians?
- Enforce existing speed laws instead. Clean boulevards will encourage walking.
- How will one address Goal 1? There is little room for street-car lines, and they will consume power and be of limited utility. Expanded bus service, public transport with alternative fuels.
- Change Gorham and East Johnson back to two-way traffic, calibrate traffic lights so that when driving across the isthmus (across East Washington) one needn't stop at Gorham, then Johnson, Washington, and Williamson.
- We feel the bus service should be better.
- Bicycle paths and walking paths/sidewalks.
- Any steps we can take toward returning Johnson and Gorham to two-way traffic would be great.
- Eliminate semi-traffic in 1400 block of East Dayton to Great Big Pictures, as it is not compatible with city designation as a bike path nor city plans for park space along Yahara River at Thorton Avenue.
- It might be possible to reduce traffic east of Blair on Johnson a little. East Washington now has bike lanes. Trolleys were removed for good reason! They are dangerous, expensive, intrusive, and cause traffic congestion!
- For Goal 3, I think what is meant by "more convenient" need to be defined.
- Johnson and Gorham are major arteries through the isthmus. Funneling the traffic to East Washington is not a reasonable alternative and would only cause further congestion (unless MAJOR investments for mass transit are on board).
- If by Goal 3, you mean better bike lanes, then I am very supportive.
- No room for rails.
- Slow down traffic on residential streets. Slow down metro bus!
- Bicycle transportation is already convenient. I oppose taking away any parking spaces for bike lanes!
- Biking via Johnson/Gorham is scary, even with bike lanes. Need a bike path on this side of East Washington.
- Curious as to how Goal 1 is attainable?
- Not really sure how street-cars work better/worse than buses.
- I think the bus service is adequate. To introduce yet another form of transportation that would compete with the bus and van service is a waste and would not be economical!
- Make railroad tracks less traumatic for bicyclists. Sometimes my body hurts after crossing the tracks on streets near they Yahara River, including Baldwin.
- How would Goal 1 be accomplished? How would Goal 2 work with the light rail idea? In terms of Goal 3, more convenient and safe (decreasing the volume on East Johnson and Gorham would help).
- Goal #1 is unclear. It needs to be clarified. If the street-cars ever happen, the project ought to budget construction time wisely and efficiently, and not drag on for years. Otherwise, keep dreaming.
- I commute via bike/bus on East Johnson/Gorham daily and the traffic volume seems fine to me. I chose not to live on those streets--Where would the volume go? East Washington has plenty of traffic. A street-car seems a bit ridiculous to me.
- Street-cars? A pretty dumb idea, you know.
- For Goal 2, why street-cars over Falk's lightrail?
- My fear in restricting/reducing traffic on Johnson/Gorham will further increase the amount and speed of traffic on East Washington--this, to me, is already a big problem.
- I don't care to maneuver around the buses who slow traffic down to a crawl and take up all lanes of traffic for other motorists.
- Install stop sign on Sherman Avenue at either Baldwin or Marston.
- Stop sign on Sherman between Tenney Park and Brearly Island or Few and/or Sidney.
- Enhance Mifflin Street as a main bicycle artery. Return Johnson and Gorham to two-way.
- If the street-cars share the same flat roadway with cars, then I am opposed. Trains need a dedicated path to speed travel and relieve congestion.
- I believe that reducing traffic volume on East Johnson and Gorham is probably unrealistic.
- Cost?
- Oppose the closing of any cross streets for rail concerns.
- Enforce the present speed limit.
- I like the traffic flow as is, for getting to and from work on the near west side.
- Regarding Goal 2, I need to be shown how fixed street-car lines are a semi-express route. Can serve transportation needs overall as well as be more flexible bus service.
- Reduce noise and speeding! Speed bumps on Sherman and Marston surrounding Tenney Park.
- How about making a few underpasses or overpasses that would make it possible to bike/walk the entire length of the Yahara w/o ever having to interface with car traffic!
- One street-car down East Washington.
- Do not use Sherman Avenue as part of the city's arterial use as if it is currently designed to be--add speed bumps (this would decrease traffic on Brearly, Baldwin, Marston, Few, etc).
- Think of others and how these selfish ideas affect others' financial and daily lives.
- Goal 2--street-cars are cool, but if the city has a limited pot of money for development of public transportation, it should be spent in underserved transit-dependent areas (we already have exceptional transit on the isthmus).
- Would like to see the city fund Metro more fully. When we've done all we can to get people on buses, then we should start thinking of street cars, not before.
- How about some decent police or fire protection?
- This city wastes more money than Satan/Bush. Street cars!--what a boon-doggle!
- See comments for topic 1--repeat here.
- Has anyone considered making the Johnson Street bike path safer? Currently, bikes are forced between parked cars and moving traffic. Why not create a bike lane between curb and parked cars? The parked cars would act as a buffer between traffic and bikes
- Encourage use of community car, lobby for more convenient bus service.
- Goal 3--most interested in making bike riding more safe. Putting bikes on East Washington or any street where cars are is not safe or convenient.
- Should be integrated into a COUNTY-WIDE commuter rail system which connects downtown with Waunakee, the airport, Sun Prairie, Cottage Grove, McFarland, Stoughton, Oregon, Verona, etc. THAT'S how to address issues with too much traffic on the isthmus.
- Street-car construction, maintenance and fee are VERY expensive. Keep energy efficient bus and mini-bus (around State Street).
- East Johnson and Gorham should not be treated as the 'poor relations' in the neighborhood. Traffic should be dispersed. Make them two-way streets!
- We don't want to live in a construction zone. Also, we park on the street, and it's hard enough already to find parking. Imagine the parking situation if Johnson/Gorham were under major construction.
- Make Johnson/Gorham two-way, two-lanes each! The businesses want it! The neighbors want it! End the tyranny of the Waunakee commuter. At each end, force two lanes off of Johnson (at Blair) and allow only one lane through to Johnson.
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