Responses to the TLNA Survey RegardingGoals for the Update of the Neighborhood Plan:  We received 185 responses to the survey.  Here we have summarized the percentage ofrespondents selecting each of the response options for each of the proposedgoals.




Goal 1:  Rezone the Tenney-Lapham neighborhoodto restore and preserve the residential character of the neighborhood.  End designations allowing studentrooming houses and encourage the return of owner-occupied housing.

_42% Very Supportive    _27% Supportive      _16% Neutral  _7% Opposed     __9% Very opposed


Goal 2:  Concentrate higher-occupancy (6Ð8 unit)structures on East Washington, Blair Street, East Johnson near the businessdistrict, and the Trachte, Washington Square area between Dickenson andThornton.

__34%Very Supportive    ___40% Supportive      __15%Neutral    7% Opposed       5% Veryopposed


Goal 3:  Encourage the development of amid-sized grocery store (similar to Jenifer Market) in the neighborhood.

_54% Very Supportive         _23% Supportive      _17% Neutral        _5%Opposed     __1%Very opposed


Goal 4:  Preserve and enhance pedestrian andbicycle paths and community recreational space along the Yahara River Parkwayin conjunction with any development in that area.

_70% Very Supportive         _23% Supportive      _5% Neutral          _2% Opposed     _1%Very opposed


Goal 5:  Support city and private efforts todevelop the area bounded by E. Johnson, First St. and E. Washington into amulti-modal transportation hub (park-and-ride, light rail, transit interchange)and retail shopping area.

_38% Very Supportive         _28% Supportive      _22% Neutral        _7%Opposed     _6% Veryopposed


Goal 6:  Influence in the East Washington PortalGateway BUILD process to improve the aesthetic quality and land use of EastWashington from First Street to the Capitol.

_51% Very Supportive         _33% Supportive      _11% Neutral        _4%Opposed     _1% Veryopposed


Goal 7:  Redevelop the Reynolds Property (700block of E. Dayton just east of Das Kronenberg and Old Market Place) fornon-commercial use.  Pursuetransformation of this property for expansion of Reynolds Park acrossLivingston Street.

_28% Very Supportive         _36% Supportive      _26% Neutral        _6%Opposed     _4% Veryopposed


Goal 8.  Encourage economic development in theFordem St. manufacturing area that will generate quality, long-term employment.

_44% Very Supportive         _47% Supportive      _6% Neutral          _1% Opposed     _3%Very opposed




Goal 1:  Reduce the arterial use (speed and volume) of East Johnsonand Gorham streets between First Street and Wisconsin Avenue.  Align their designated street use with theirresidential and retail land uses.

_40% Very Supportive         _27% Supportive      _14% Neutral        _12%Opposed     _8% Veryopposed


Goal 2:  Introduce streetcar lines connecting the neighborhood to thedowntown and campus.

_29% Very Supportive         _23% Supportive      _29% Neutral        __9%Opposed     _9% Veryopposed


Goal 3:  Make bicycle transportation for commuting and recreationmore convenient.

_62% Very Supportive         _24% Supportive      _11% Neutral        __2%Opposed     _1% Veryopposed


Goal 1:  Support off-street parking near E. Johnson and Paterson thatis integrated into the housing and retail space.

_29% Very Supportive         _36% Supportive      _27% Neutral        _3%Opposed     __3%Very opposed


Goal 2:  Support establishment of a full-service restaurant in thebusiness district.

_45% Very Supportive         _33% Supportive      _19% Neutral        _2%Opposed     __1%Very opposed


Goal 3:  Encourage development projects in the 800 and 900 blocks ofE. Johnson that increase the concentration of housing and retail, particularlymixed-use structures with shopping on the street level and residential unitsabove.

_39% Very Supportive         _37% Supportive      __12% Neutral       __7%Opposed     _5% Veryopposed




Goal 1:  Upgrade facilities and infrastructure in parks. Pursuebudget approval to implement maintenance projects, facilities andinfrastructure improvements called for in the park master plans.

_41% Very Supportive         _42% Supportive      _12% Neutral        __3%Opposed     __1%Very opposed


Goal 2:  Preserve the historic character of the landscape andstructures in the neighborhood parks.

_54% Very Supportive         _28% Supportive      _16% Neutral        __1%Opposed     _1% Veryopposed


Goal 3:  Provide for a balance of passive and active recreationalactivities in parks, particularly in Tenney Park and the Yahara River Parkway.

_46% Very Supportive         _37% Supportive      _13% Neutral        _2%Opposed     __1%Very opposed


Goal 4:  Protect parks and green spaces from encroachment by publicinfrastructure such as parking lots and paved areas.  Add buffers of green space when parcels next to parks aredeveloped or become available for public purchase.

_61% Very Supportive         _24% Supportive      _8% Neutral          __3% Opposed    __3% Very opposed


Goal 5:  Transfer the two historic properties at 640 and 646 E.Gorham from Parks to another entity. Reverse the deferred maintenance on these structures and adapt them forcommunity uses such as a branch library, museum or historical society.

_28% Very Supportive         _26% Supportive      _36% Neutral        _4%Opposed     _6% Veryopposed


Goal 6.  Tear up (remove) N. Brearly Street between Sherman Ave. andLake Mendota and incorporate that land into Giddings Park.

_26% Very Supportive         _28% Supportive      _34% Neutral        _5%Opposed     _7% Veryopposed




Goal 1:  Obtain consistent city inspection, inside and out, ofneighborhood housing stock, including single family and two-flat rental houses.

_29% Very Supportive         _29% Supportive      _25% Neutral        _5%Opposed     _12%Very opposed


Goal 2:  Establish a Òblock representativeÓ program to augment theTLNA Area Representatives in making note of code violations, unsafe or deterioratingsidewalks and curbs, etc. and reporting these items to the city.

_20% Very Supportive         _36% Supportive      _21% Neutral        _14%Opposed     _9% Veryopposed


Goal 3:  Accentuate the historic character of Tenney/Lapham byinstalling vintage, dark sky, street lamps throughout the neighborhood.

_43% Very Supportive         _30% Supportive      _17% Neutral        _5%Opposed     _5% Veryopposed


Goal 4:  Bury telephone and electric wires whenever neighborhoodstreets are reconstructed.

_56% Very Supportive         _34% Supportive      _7% Neutral          _1% Opposed     _1%Very opposed




Goal 1:  Use Lapham School as a location and focal point forneighborhood activities after school hours.  The school should provide a venue for community events andactivities, such as neighborhood association meetings, neighborhood computeraccess, crafts classes, and book clubs, just to name are a few possibilities.

_43% Very Supportive         _42% Supportive      _12% Neutral        __2% Opposed     _1% Very opposed


Goal 2:  Establish a significant, annual community event Ð ÒTheTenney Lapham Neighborhood Association Annual PicnicÓ between Aug 15thand Labor Day to welcome new neighbors, initiate or renew TLNA memberships,listen to local musicians (including student talent), enjoy delicious food, andcelebrate living in our neighborhood.

_42% Very Supportive         _38% Supportive      _18% Neutral        __1%Opposed     __1%Very opposed



What is your age?  Range 22 to 86, with an average of 43.

Do you have children living in yourhome?  _31% Yes          _69%No

Do you own or rent your home?     _71% Own         _29%Rent

Do you own rental property in theneighborhood?      _17%Yes          _83%No


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