Topic 3 East Johnson Business
- Goal 1 (favor of) depending on extent of new business coming into the area.
- As long as NOT too concentrated.
- We would also be very supportive in establishment of a BAKERY (ie. one that is open more than twice a week).
- Not a chain restaurant (establishment of full-service restaurant in business district).
- I oppose "development"
- Regarding #3, max. height of three stories.
- Let's leave that area alone unless someone comes to us with a REALLY GOOD idea (ie. condo/retail newer building at the corner of Willy and Fen Street that fits in so well you hardly notice it). Keep the "concentration" on E. Washington for big development.
- Parking is not difficult in the area. More parking will only encourage more traffic (Goal 1).
- I though that there was too much traffic already.
- #3 would depend on height of the buildings. They would have to be kept in scale--I would hate to have the houses in the area torn down. Also, #3 would be contingent upon #1.
- No room anywhere for "off-street parking" without disposing of rental property. High density student rentals.
- Let's develop in urban areas, not in the suburbs!
- In terms of Goal 2, very supportive of restaurant that has vegetarian options and non-alcohol focus.
- I worry about students if more parking is reserved for businesses. There are more than enough restaurants downtown/campus--support those already here!
- Let the market forces determine if a full-service restaurant is feasible.
- The focus should be on the 700 and 800 blocks.
- Use Tenney Beach parking lot for car-sharing. Make it easier for co-polluters and commuters to drop and ride. Maybe kiosks or tasteful coffee shops at the car stop to encourage ride sharing.
- We need more businesses in order to create a destination for the neighborhood. Most people shop outside the neighborhood and this should be reversed.
- Goals 2 and 3 will increase traffic, and I believe that's okay as long as we do things to control traffic speed.
- With all the food service available in full-scale restaurants, coffee shops, and take-out on Willey Street/Johnson Street/Fordham/Sherman, what is lacking that a full service place could supply?
- Supportive of #3, but wouldn't want to lose the historic or the originality it has--it is culture.
- Plenty of rental housing available already.
- We definitely need a few more eateries in the area.
- Goal 1, How would this be done? It's not evident. Goal 2, with outdoor seating.
- For Goal 1, we need to stop planning around cars. No city money for private car subsidies please! Let's focus on public transit (better buses/light rails/street cars).
- Thirty minute parking spots on Johnson?
- Goal 1, where exactly will this parking be located and what will be torn down?
- Like mixed use generally, don't know details of this plan. I'm okay with adding a few more stores if needed.
- Create a full-service neighborhood full of mixed uses.
- Increasing retail space without parking spaces--bad plan.
- Not sure how I feel about #3--not convinced there's enough need for the retail OR residential space.
- Problems in Marquette neighborhood--impossible to keep developers in line. NO buildings more than 3-4 stories, no super-density project, no gentrification.
- Goals 1 and 3--No! Preserve the existing housing. Existing buildings have more affordable rent than new. Some businesses can go in the houses' first floors. Don't build up the neighborhood. Save the current humane scale, the porches, the trees.
- 'Redevelopment' should occur in empty lots. We shouldn't tear down existing buildings just to 'create' something new. Density should be achieved via infill of UNUSED land, such as the car lots on East Washington.
- Regarding goal 2--consult with Willy Street planners and Monroe Street planners to learn how to encourage viable, quality restaurants. To improve the reputation of this area. Regarding goal 3--buildings should be no more than three stories tall.
- Why are you proposing to level a classic, very vibrant retail district? We love it! Didn't we learn the lesson back in the urban 'renewal' back in the sixties? Why are we repeating the mistake? Anything that gets torn down will be replaced w/parking.
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