800 Block
Website |
This development proposal was approved
by the neighborhood and city council. It failed over a public funding
dispute between the mayor's office and the developer.
This website was
designed to promote neighborhood input for the development, which would
have encompassed the entire 800 block of E.Washington Ave (north side),
currently utilized for auto sales.. |
A neighborhood committee worked with the developer to solicit
public feedback.The committee consisted of
Alderperson Brenda Konkel and three
representatives each from Tenney Lapham and Old Marketplace neighborhoods.
August 8,2006
Developer informs the neighborhood that the
project has been withdrawn.
24, 2006, Mayor Cieslewicz
Work continues on Gorman project ,
March 6
Statements from Mayor Dave Cieslewicz and
developer Gary Gorman that have recently circulated via email.
Statement from Downtown Madison, Inc.'s
Neighborhood documents
Meeting schedule:
- 9/22: public developer meeting - who should be at the table.
- 10/6: public meeting - process discussion
- 10/21: public meeting - discuss survey results, organize steering groups
- 11/3: neighborhood steering group meeting -show plan evolution, talk about
refined survey information (public welcome)
- 11/13: public meeting, issue charettes, for details click here
- 11/17: --canceled--neighborhood steering group meeting, 6PM, EVP coffee
house (public welcome.)
- 11/30: public meeting, Lapham, discuss plan evolution, gather public input
- 12/16: neighborhood steering group meeting, 7PM, location TBA (public welcome)
- 12/21: final public meeting, 7 PM Lapham school, share plan in its final
state before submission
- 1/17/05: Neighborhood Rep.s meeting, Company of Thieves, 6PM
- 1/19/05: Developer presentation to UDC
- 1/27/05: Tenney Lapham Neighborhood Association monthly board meeting --
discuss steering group recommendations.
- 2/2/05: UDC, 4:45 PM, Room LL-110,
Madison Municipal Building (public presence desired)
- 2/17/05: Public Meeting, 7 PM Lapham auditorium (Developer, architects
and neighborhood)
- 2/21/05: Plan Commission, public
comments encouraged, register at 5:45 PM, rm. 201 City County Building
- 3/1/05: Common Council approval
800 block email discussion listserve -- Want to be on it?
Send a request to David Waugh at [email protected]
Last updated August 16,2006