
800 Block East Washington North




Update: Sept 4, 2012, ULI withdraws due to empasse with city over parking ramp financing.

In November 2010, the city purchased the Don Miller auto lot on East Washington Avenue in a land banking deal. There are 8 acres available for development. An RFP was issued and a special city comittee reviewed proposals and selected 3 to move forward. This website is only concerned with the 800 block north parcel, which is the largest parcel at 4.5 acres. For this parcel, the committee chose a proposal by ULI. Since selecting ULI, another developer is interested in the site should the ULI proposal not move forward. That proposal would be anchored by a Metcalfe's grocery store. A third developer is interested in building a unique hotel on a portion of the 800 block across from the Breese Stevens soccer stadium..



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Last updated 16 May 2012