The proposed development consists of about 60 apartments ranging from micro-units in one building to 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom units in another building with parking underneath. Both buildings would be 3-stories. 5 multi-unit homes and 1 single-family home would be moved or removed. The Caribou and laundromat would remain and new commercial space would front E. Johnson Street on the first floor.
In the latest proposal revision presented in December 2016, RGP proposed moving the rental house at 711/713 E. Johnson to E. Dayton behind 201 N. Blount St. 707/709 E. Johnson would be demolished and those two houses would be replaced by a new 3-story building with commercial on the ground floor and 21 micro-unit apartments with no parking. 201 N. Blount would be demolished and an 8-unit, 3-story apartment building would be constructed on the corner of N. Blount and E. Dayton. The other 3 houses on N. Blount would remain. The surface parking area behind the Blount St. houses would be redone to conform with city regulations.
*** Note: A new TLNA Steering Committee report was issued on Feb. 3, 2017 (see report below), and TLNA Council voted on Feb. 9, 2017, to support the proposal with some concerns and recommended conditions for the City (see letter below). Both proposal components passed Plan Commission and Common Council. Excavation for the new E. Johnson building (next to the Caribou) with commercial space and 21 micro-units is ongoing and construction should start soon. One of the two houses that were on E. Johnson has been moved to E. Dayton across from Das Kronenberg and the other demolished. Excavation for the new 8-unit apartment building at Dayton and Blount should start soon – the house at that corner was also demolished.
Developer: Renaissance Property Group, Madison, WI
Architect: Insite Consulting Architects, Madison, WI
Developer's Drawings (renderings are preliminary and subject to change):
TLNA Steering Committee:
Other Developer Input:
City of Madison Input:
Questions or comments? Contact TLNA's Development Chair Patrick Heck at pwheck at
Last updated 28 Nov 2017